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CompTIA's Posts

From its new IT professional association to leading certification programs, from its original research to member communities and councils, CompTIA’s unparalleled programs set industry standards, foster skills development and generate knowledge and insight every day.

  • CompTIA Teams with LinkedIn to Help Certification Holders Highlight Their Credentials and Skills

    May 14, 2015, 18:30 PM by CompTIA
    CompTIA has teamed with LinkedIn to make it easier for CompTIA certified IT professionals to add their credentials to their profiles.
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  • CompTIA and IDC Study Outlines the Five Habits of Highly Effective Certified Employees

    May 14, 2015, 18:25 PM by CompTIA
    A certification is a symbolic achievement that makes a great addition to a resume, as well as a tangible addition to the development of an IT professional’s skill-set. With this in mind, CompTIA teamed with the International Data Corporation (IDC) to poll candidates, staff and employers in the IT industry to gauge job performance and quantify the value of certification.
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  • Brittani Von Roden: A New Voice

    May 14, 2015, 17:59 PM by CompTIA
    Hear from ChannelChanger Brittani Von Roden on her experience so far.
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  • Meet Your New IT Co-Workers: The Avengers

    Apr 28, 2015, 16:32 PM by CompTIA
    Whether you’re answering panicked help desk calls from VPs, connecting a dozen offices into a single conference room or keeping priceless data away from cyber-terrorists, all you IT professionals are the superheroes of the business world. Sure, we don’t flip through comic books or sell out movie theaters to see what you do best, but there is a popular group of people whose adventures and feats mimic those occurring all over the IT industry: The Avengers.
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  • Five Things You Need to Know About CompTIA CertMaster

    Apr 3, 2015, 17:02 PM by CompTIA
    For National High Five Day, we’re giving props to CompTIA CertMaster. Now, CertMaster may sound like an intimidating, fearsome supervillain. And, in a sense, it is—it’s superpowered when taking on CompTIA certification exams. But for IT professionals like yourself looking to get certified, CertMaster is a true superstar sidekick. Here are five reasons why:
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  • IT-Ready Apprenticeship Allows Former Retail Manager to Close Sale on Brand New Career

    Mar 11, 2015, 20:11 PM by CompTIA
    For eight years, Blong Yang worked his way through retail management positions of increasing responsibility and importance. Yet despite his successive promotions — and multiple performance reviews saying he had exceeded supervisor expectations — Yang didn’t feel like he was getting anywhere. CompTIA's Creating IT Futures Foundations IT-Ready program helped him move forward, earning his CompTIA Network+, Security+ and Server+ certifications.
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  • Meet All-Around IT Subject Matter Expert (and Part-Time Farmer) Richard Rieben

    Jan 12, 2015, 17:14 PM by CompTIA
    Richard Rieben started working in IT directly out of high school after garnering skills revolving around geographical information systems. Although he was working, Richard knew that educational credentials are an important part of any professional’s resume, so earned three degrees and several industry certifications -- all while finding the time to raise a variety of animals on his family farm, including sheep, rabbits, chickens, turkeys and miniature donkeys.
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  • TechAmerica, powered by CompTIA, Supports Code.org’s Second Annual Computer Science Education Week

    Dec 8, 2014, 21:55 PM by CompTIA
    TechAmerica, powered by CompTIA, is proud to support Code.org’s second annual Computer Science Education Week, December 8 to 14, 2014. The week, originally held in celebration of the birthday of the late Grace Hopper, promotes the importance of computer science as a key subject in K-12 education.
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  • See What Happens When We Reach 1 Million A+ Certified IT Pros

    Sep 5, 2014, 20:26 PM by CompTIA
    Picture this: You’ve been studying for months for your A+ exam. You wake up on exam morning, have a good breakfast and confidently arrive at your testing center. You’re ready, you’re focused and you know the material. You get through the exam with flying colors and as you click “end exam” on your computer screen you see that you’ve passed. You’re CompTIA A+ Certified! And then — out of nowhere — confetti falls, trumpets sound and a huge sign rolls down from the ceiling: “Congratulations, you’re the ONE MILLIONTH IT pro to become A+ certified!” There’s fanfare and prizes and suddenly you’re a star!
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  • Trustmarks Help Tech-Wales Double Revenue and Break into a New Market

    Sep 2, 2014, 21:54 PM by CompTIA
    With a goal of recruiting the best staff and winning the biggest contracts, the ambitious Tech-Wales company turned to CompTIA and Software Alliance Wales to streamline its business processes.
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