Five Things You Need to Know About CompTIA CertMaster

For National High Five Day, we’re giving props to CompTIA CertMaster. Now, CertMaster may sound like an intimidating, fearsome supervillain. And, in a sense, it is—it’s superpowered when taking on CompTIA certification exams. But for IT professionals like yourself looking to get certified, CertMaster is a true superstar sidekick. Here are five reasons why:

For National High Five Day, we’re giving props to CompTIA CertMaster. Now, CertMaster may sound like an intimidating, fearsome supervillain. And, in a sense, it is—it’s superpowered when taking on CompTIA certification exams. But for IT professionals like yourself looking to get certified, CertMaster is a true superstar sidekick. Here are five reasons why:

1. CertMaster is Your New BFF

CertMaster is a great study buddy. For learning to work with laptops, smart phones, tablets and more, CertMaster works with your hectic schedule and is there for you whenever and wherever you have time for a good study session.

2. CertMaster Has it All

It’s your all-inclusive studying machine, with practice questions, visual aids and advanced metrics to track your progress. Once we figure out how CertMaster can even make a nonfat, extra hot, two-pump vanilla latte, we’ll let you know.

3. CertMaster Goes Deep Into Your Mind

Learning new material isn’t just about memorizing facts and practice questions. That was high school. This is your career. CertMaster’s system adapts to what you already know and dedicates more time to what you don’t, helping you learn from wrong answers, understand trouble areas and boost your confidence. In short, you learn the information faster and actually retain it –unlike all those geometry theorems from freshman year.

4. CertMaster Knows How Much You Love Your Gaming Console

It might sound ridiculous to compare a CertMaster to a video game—but we did use extensive video game design principles in developing it. Our stunning presentation and state-of-the-art user engagement makes CertMaster almost as addictive as playing Destiny for 12 straight hours. Who knew certification could be such an endorphin rush?

5. CertMaster is the Don Draper of Test Prep

CertMaster is suave and sophisticated, using the latest research in brain science and hyper-learning. No more rote memorization. A next-level certification exam deserves a next-level preparation tool. Trust us; we’ve put in over 10 years of research to make test prep truly stylish.

Don’t leave CertMaster hanging on National High Five Day – and beyond.


 Give it, and yourself, the ultimate high five by signing up for this state-of-the art certification prep today!

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