Brian Sherman Posts

  • IT Channel Perspectives: Meet CompTIA Member Lester Keizer

    Dec 8, 2011, 16:46 PM by Brian Sherman
    CompTIA member Lester Keizer is CEO of Xilocore, a Las Vegas-based business continuity and disaster recovery services company that works exclusively with the channel partner community.  A long-time advocate of CompTIA, he has contributed to a number of the association’s initiatives and groups over the years and serves as a member of  the current Board of Directors.Prior to leading the Xilocore team, Keizer was CEO of Ron Cook’s Connecting Point and oversaw the company’s transformation from a pro ...
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  • The Value of Communities

    Dec 8, 2011, 15:00 PM by Brian Sherman
    Most people have an innate need to connect with others, to enjoy the company of like individuals or those with similar interests. Whether that involves being part of a neighborhood kickball team or joining an elite country club, each assembly provides a certain level of gratification for it members. The value of each group we belong to can vary significantly, but each has to provide some positive effect to keep its constituents coming back.Personal relationships are important for individual grow ...
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  • Boost Your IT Business Performance at AMM 2012

    Dec 5, 2011, 15:00 PM by Brian Sherman
    This is the time of year when most companies are working full speed on their 2012 business plans, from setting sales and marketing objectives to estimating the upcoming operational and capital investment needs. December is also the holiday season for many, but the work never stops for solution providers and others in the IT industry. In addition to building budgets and plans for the New Year, the push is on to meet and exceed annual revenue goals before the end of the month. That’s on top of the ...
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  • ChannelTrends: Find the Best Opportunities in SMB

    Dec 2, 2011, 22:13 PM by Brian Sherman
    The technology available today allows even the smallest, emerging solution provider to offer and support a large portfolio of services and products. Managed services and the cloud are just two of the innovations making that possible, each leveraging the Internet to deliver valuable solutions for the business community. Using these delivery models, virtually any solution provider can support a substantial number of clients with almost every type of service, and not just locally.When VARs and MSPs ...
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  • ChannelTrends: A Thankful Community

    Nov 23, 2011, 18:37 PM by Brian Sherman
    Thanksgiving serves as a great reminder of all the things we should be grateful for in our personal and professional lives, and it’s especially true in the IT field. Some of the world’s greatest minds contribute their knowledge and energy to our industry, creating the products and services that solution providers can combine with their own ingenuity to support a variety of business clients.The IT channel is a collaborative community, requiring a number of people, processes and passion to accompl ...
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  • ChannelTrends: Make the Right Move with Consultative Sales

    Nov 18, 2011, 17:19 PM by Brian Sherman
    Managed services and the cloud are a reality that every solution provider has to deal with, whether offering them as part of their portfolio or competing against them in their markets. There is no way around it; the IT channel business model has shifted. This revelation isn’t news to solution providers, but several recent industry announcements serve to reinforce its premise, including the new cloud approach from CA. As noted in Channel Insider, the company built on physical software is making a ...
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  • ChannelTrends: The Spotlight on Business Ethics

    Nov 11, 2011, 19:29 PM by Brian Sherman
    On this Veterans’ Day, we pause to remember the sacrifices and courage exhibited by the men and women who defended our country and continue to protect our freedom. The call to duty requires not only bravery, but commitment and moral obligation to their fellow soldiers and sailors. With that in mind, business ethics seemed more than appropriate for today’s topic—especially with this week’s headlines.Few things are as electrifying to the media and populace as charges of inappropriate conduct in th ...
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  • IT Channel Perspectives: Meet CompTIA Member Kerry McDonough

    Nov 8, 2011, 15:00 PM by Brian Sherman
    CompTIA member Kerry McDonough is U.S. director for small business sales at Cisco Systems Inc. He is also a long-time contributor to the channel and the association, and currently serves CompTIA as a member of the board of directors. In his role at Cisco, McDonough’s responsible for growing the company’s small business sales strategy and vision, as well as growing opportunities for its partner community.As a strong advocate of the small business community, he’s focused his attention on providing ...
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  • A New Option to Build Comprehensive Channel Training

    Nov 7, 2011, 19:16 PM by Brian Sherman
    We’ve come a long way since the early days of the channel, before the “value” was emphasized in VAR and when hardware was still a primary component of any sale. Just ten years ago, margin was one of the most important topics in any discussion with some resellers “shopping” partner programs for the best deals. The channel has undergone a significant transition over the past few years, requiring solution providers, vendors and distributors to put a new focus on the business education and training ...
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  • ChannelTrends: Healthcare IT Continues To Gain Momentum

    Nov 6, 2011, 14:26 PM by Brian Sherman
    At a recent industry conference, several solution providers expressed their concern that it was just too late for their companies to begin offering EMR and other healthcare-specific technologies. With so much buzz around the topic over the last two years (since the stimulus package was passed by Congress), they were convinced that the opportunities in this market had simply passed them by. But other solution providers in the room stressed that the supply of specialized services has, in no way, r ...
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