CompTIA Blog

  • R&D Legislation for Startups Introduced in Senate

    Jan 15, 2014, 21:46 PM by Lamar Whitman
    “The Innovators Job Creation Act,” bi-partisan legislation co-sponsored by Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), was introduced in the Senate this week. This legislation would promote innovation by making the R&D tax credit more accessible to small startup firms. Under current law, the R&D tax credit can only be offset against federal income tax liability. However, because most startups do not generate net income in the early years, they have no fe ...
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  • A Look at the Big Trends at International CES 2014

    Jan 14, 2014, 00:50 AM by Seth Robinson
    The beginning of a new year always brings with it a ritual for everyone who keeps a close eye on technology: the International CES, produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). First held in 1967, this year’s show featured 3,200 exhibitors and more than 2 million square feet of exhibit space, making it a premier location for exhibiting new technology and innovation. With so much on display, there are obviously many different themes on the radar. The Internet of Things was pegged ...
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  • Smart SMS Strategies for MSPs

    Jan 13, 2014, 17:35 PM by Mark Sondergaard
    If you’re searching for ways to improve the technical services you offer your clients, look no further than the mobile phone. More than nine out of 10 American adults own one, according to a 2013 study by the Pew Research Center, and while only half are smartphones, nearly all have the capability to receive text messages. In contrast to overlooked email blasts and fliers, text messages grab eyeballs: Research by UK-based mobileSQUARED, which interprets and analyzes mobile research and data ...
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  • Enter Salary Negotiations Armed with Information and a Sense of Worth

    Jan 10, 2014, 20:25 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    Negotiating a new job salary and benefits is played like a high-stakes poker game, with some cards right out on the table and others played close to the vest.
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  • Esri Uses CTT+ to Standardize and Improve its Global Maze of Instructor Training

    Jan 9, 2014, 23:03 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    Software developer Esri wants its customers to have a consistent, high-quality experience with its geographic information systems (GIS), whether at the company’s Redlands, Calif., headquarters or with an Esri distributor on the other side of the world.
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  • CompTIA Helps Tact Build the ‘Ideal Engineer’

    Jan 9, 2014, 18:02 PM by CompTIA
    Tokyo-based Tact Machine Service Co. Ltd. knew the leap from printer servicing to providing full network solutions would require more than a good business plan; it’d also need industry certifications to match. That’s where CompTIA came in, implementing a comprehensive training program that has helped Tact see a rise in staff performance, communication dynamics and customer satisfaction.
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  • Tracking CompTIA A+’s Impact Across Continents

    Jan 8, 2014, 17:24 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    It’s well-known that achieving A+ certification can give folks a leg up on employment opportunities, but in some areas of the world, the focus, direction and career mapping offered by CompTIA’s certification programs can turn an uncertain reality into a concrete career path.
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  • ChannelTrends: Four Questions to Ask Yourself to Set a Plan for Successful Channel Navigation in 2014

    Jan 6, 2014, 21:05 PM by Brian Sherman
    Whether 2013 brought you record-setting success or presented significant challenges to your business, or ended up somewhere in between, it’s time to reflect on past results and kick off the strategy for the next twelve months. Most IT companies have probably already assessed the past year’s outcomes and made some adjustments to their operations and business practices. But just because January 1 has already come and gone, it doesn’t mean every change companies need to make to be ...
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  • ChannelTrends: Four Ways to Streamline and Refine Your Way to Higher Profitability

    Jan 3, 2014, 20:49 PM by Brian Sherman
    IT industry entrepreneurs can understand their clients’ business challenges better than their own and typically work faster to resolve any emergency or major concern – as long as they get paid. Of course, that’s common regardless of the industry or geographic region solution providers operate in. Many business owners follow the philosophy that 100 percent of their attention must be focused on their customers and can fail to set aside time to properly plan for future growth and ...
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  • Dept. of Labor to Award $100 Million in Grants Supporting STEM

    Jan 2, 2014, 20:54 PM by Tim Jemal
    This guest blog entry was contributed by Tim Jemal, CEO of Jemal Public Affairs. The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced that it will award approximately $100 million in grant funding, divided among 30 to 40 recipients, to support education and training in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industries. The grant funding comes from user fees paid by employers to hire workers in the H-1B visa category. According to the Seattle Times, since 2001, nearly $1 billion from H1-B fe ...
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  • Classic Holiday Film Shows Value of Relationships

    Dec 23, 2013, 19:52 PM by Charles Eaton
    Like many of you, I’ve been reflecting during the holidays upon the year that passed, taking stock of what I’m grateful for and re-watching some classic holiday movies. In one, the main character goes through trying circumstances, almost dies, and is reminded that life is all about relationships and family. Nope, not It’s a Wonderful Life. I’m talking about another great holiday film; Die Hard. Yep, Die Hard. Besides being the greatest action movie ever made, it’s ...
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  • New York Technology Council: a Young Tech Council Making an Impact

    Dec 20, 2013, 19:28 PM by Bob Moore
    TechVoice spoke with Erik Grimmelmann, executive director of the New York Technology Council (NYTECH), to learn how a small, young and rapidly growing technology council navigates its way through today’s challenging policy and regulatory environment. What are some of the advocacy efforts you’ve been involved in? Our involvement in advocacy is relatively new. We’re a young tech council; just four years old. In the past, we’ve attended several of the TechVoice D.C. Fly-Ins ...
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  • Target’s Recent Data Breach Highlights a Wider Business Concern

    Dec 19, 2013, 21:57 PM by Scott Barlow
    Target disclosed earlier today that it experienced a major security breach that could compromise upwards of 40 million credit card and debit card accounts. Between November 27 and December 15, cybercriminals appear to have broken through the data protection measures in the company’s point-of-sale systems across the entire retail chain; with the exception of its online catalog operations. With access to Target customers’ PIN information, thieves could withdraw money from customers&rsq ...
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  • Wireless Companies Endorse Cell Phone Unlocking, Now Congress Must Act

    Dec 19, 2013, 19:32 PM by Matthew Starr
    Last Thursday, CTIA, a trade association that represents the wireless industry, announced that five of the nation’s largest wireless providers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular and Verizon) have agreed to a voluntary set of principles that promote the rights of consumers to unlock their cellphones and tablets. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, it should only be viewed as a first, and certainly not a final, step towards allowing consumers to use their devices a ...
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  • 2013 Tech Agenda Glass Holds 50 Percent Water

    Dec 19, 2013, 16:33 PM by Liz Hyman
    The age-old question of whether the glass is half empty or half full does not have a simple answer this year when it comes to the federal tech policy agenda. On the half-empty side, in 2013 we experienced a 16-day shutdown of the federal government, a near miss of the most recent debt-ceiling deadline and the fewest bills ever signed into law during a Congressional session. Congress’ approval rating is below 10 percent and the president is not fairing much better. With the center of both p ...
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