May 3, 2017, 22:19 PM
Jeff O'Heir
As automation and artificial intelligence (AI) become more prevalent, you may be wondering if (or when) a robot might take over your job. But it’s time to stop worrying about the number of jobs displaced by new technologies and start preparing for careers that will not only survive the onslaught of automation, cognitive computing and robotics, but leverage them.
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May 3, 2017, 16:03 PM
Brian Sherman
Today’s tech entrepreneurs need to change their habits. The best and brightest job candidates often focus as much on the work environment and flex-time as they do salary and benefits. With IT talent in high demand, channel firms must be aware of the interests and needs of millennials and a cross-generational workforce if they hope to compete.
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May 1, 2017, 16:32 PM
Matt Starr
On Thursday, April 27, the FCC took their first official steps towards making significant changes to the rules passed in their 2015 Open Internet Order (aka “Net Neutrality Order”).
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May 1, 2017, 14:34 PM
Emily Matzelle
At 19 years old, Shana Kassel developed a degenerative eye disease that left her with very low vision. Rather than letting this stop her from pursuing an IT career, she learned how to use the abilities she has to do what she truly loves.
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Apr 28, 2017, 15:30 PM
Kara Bush
On Monday, April 24, CompTIA testified in support of legislation CA AB 252, which would have temporarily prohibited localities from imposing any tax on subscription video streaming services.
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Apr 28, 2017, 13:46 PM
Debra B. McCraw
On April 19, CompTIA Senior Director of Products James Stanger led an enthused panel of cybersecurity experts to discuss the business of security. They identified today’s major issues, best practices and the IT skills that companies need to prevent and address cyberthreats.
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Apr 27, 2017, 16:24 PM
Brian Sherman
Every vertical offers opportunities and challenges for IT services firms, and the retail market is a great example.What are the best prospects and the biggest obstacles?
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Apr 26, 2017, 16:36 PM
Michelle Lange
Logan Murphy, a technology consultant and developer who helps new IT pros navigate the landscape of their early careers, offers advice on how to learn your craft, build relationships and prepare for the next step in your IT career.
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Apr 24, 2017, 21:29 PM
Debra B. McCraw
No matter where you are in your career or what you want to do next, CompTIA has a plethora of resources to help you get there.
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Apr 24, 2017, 21:14 PM
Seth Robinson
It’s not a huge stretch to imagine many current jobs that could soon be performed by technology. But it’s also worth considering some factors that might shape a future not completely dominated by robot overlords.
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Apr 21, 2017, 15:57 PM
Debra B. McCraw
On April 12, CompTIA and Apex Systems hosted a Twitter chat about setting a strategy for your IT job search. We’ve curated the advice into five actionable tips that you can use in your next job search.
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Apr 20, 2017, 17:11 PM
Brian Sherman
The MSP evolution is still underway. And business continuity (back-up and disaster recovery) is one of the most crucial building blocks for an IT services business today. Those who look beyond the tools and gain a real understanding of the impact these programs can have on their clients are better positioned to grow their own opportunities...and profitability.
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Apr 19, 2017, 20:00 PM
Matthew Stern
With experience working at her high school's help desk and her CompTIA A+ certification in hand, Susan Verdin took her first step into the IT workforce. Now she's on a career path that's engaging a tech interest she's held since childhood – with more learning, and more certifications, in her future.
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Apr 17, 2017, 21:47 PM
Natalie Hope McDonald
As cybersecurity experts consider how and what information is exposed for public consumption in a world that increasingly uses social media for business, a new question being asked is: is yesterday’s mail bomb tomorrow’s tweet?
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Apr 14, 2017, 15:31 PM
Emily Matzelle
Facebook’s new Jobs page will allow businesses to advertise open positions and recruit employees. This begs the question: Is your Facebook profile suitable for potential employers’ eyes?
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