CompTIA Blog

  • What's Up Doc?

    Jul 16, 2010, 15:16 PM by Amy Carrado
    Last week I had the privilege of watching 15 doctors talk candidly about technology from behind a one-way mirror. The two focus groups, among general practitioners and specialists, were very educational and at times quite entertaining. While the information gleaned may not be representative of all doctors, it helps provide some qualitative insights around what doctors are really thinking about IT. I’d like to share with you some examples of the key themes and interesting points I saw emerg ...
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  • Healthcare Reform: Plan Comparisons for Small Businesses

    Jul 16, 2010, 14:48 PM by Lamar Whitman
    As the reality of health care reform begins to take shape, small businesses remain pressed by the high cost of health care for their employees, and comparison shopping becomes ever more important.  One of the obstacles in shopping for the best and most affordable coverage has always been the difficulty of comparing plan benefits and pricing; for most, comparing health plans is akin to comparing apples to oranges. In an earlier posting, I noted that the creation of health care insurance ex ...
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  • Cracking the HIT Nut - What You Need To Know About Building A HIT Practice

    Jul 15, 2010, 14:19 PM by Tom Liszka
    Healthcare IT (HIT) is a huge opportunity for solutions providers, but it's important to understand the complexities and nuances when it comes to coming an HIT provider.  Patrick Wilson, President of Vital Signs Technology, will walk you through an overview of CompTIA's Healthcare IT Guide for building a practice. What are the various verticals in this space, and how are they different?  Should you become a general Electronic Health Records (EHR) provider or go after a specific verti ...
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  • Defining Best in Class IT Service

    Jul 15, 2010, 14:16 PM by Paul Bittorf
    We all (or at least most of us) want to be the best at what we do. This holds true even for those who perform IT services and manage IT services organizations.  I remember the sense of pride we had in my service department, which went far beyond a paycheck. Overtime was the norm for our group, and customer dissatisfaction personally upset the people I worked with. That pride was an intangible asset that the companies I outsourced to usually understood within the first month or two of our engagem ...
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  • Enhance Your Lead Generation with Comprehensive Marketing Resources

    Jul 14, 2010, 15:19 PM by Dan Liutikas
    Is your technology business the best kept secret in town?  You have great staff, faithful customers, operations second to none, but what’s keeping it from growing?  Quite simply — leads. You know many businesses are an ideal fit to utilize your products and services, but how do you find them?  Without good leads, your sales team will be less effective and your company’s revenue will likely remain flat. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Lead generation is not a black art and does not need to be ...
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  • Breakaway Hotel Rooms Are Going Fast

    Jul 14, 2010, 15:04 PM by Lisa Fasold
    Wow! Our hotel block at the JW Marriott for Breakaway 2010 already is sold out at the $129 rate. However, the hotel agreed to give us an additional 250 rooms each night of the conference at a slightly higher rate of $159 per night. It’s still a fantastic deal as the going Internet rate is $319 per night.The hotel expects to reach sell-out status over our conference dates based on the vacation business they are getting in addition to our conference. We were able to secure these incredible low rat ...
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  • Managed Print Services: Do You Want a Piece of this $26.7B Pie?

    Jul 13, 2010, 18:24 PM by Tom Liszka
    According to managed print services (MPS) research company Photizo Group, the total MPS market in North America and Western Europe will be $26.7 billion by 2012, and it will account for 35% of the total imaging market, rising significantly from the 14% it held in 2007.Ed Crowley, CEO of the Photizo Group, previews what opportunities are available to resellers in this growing market and discusses some common myths about MPS and what it really is.Gain an understanding of the MPS business model thr ...
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  • CompTIA BookBuzz: Part I

    Jul 13, 2010, 14:22 PM by Tom Liszka
    Got a good business book you've loved or are really into this week?  Let us know about it.We're starting up a new book club, the CompTIA BookBuzz,  devoted to members and industry event participants.  We'll pick books to help you become a better leader, manage your people more effectively and grow your company.  Tell us what some of your favorite books are.  Which ones have helped you become more successful?The first book BookBuzz is reading and discussing is Daniel Pink's Drive: The Surprising ...
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  • Managed Services Best Practice #6 – What Color of Managed Services Would You Like?

    Jul 13, 2010, 13:48 PM by Jim Hamilton
    Note: This is the seventh of eight blog entries in which I examine managed services best practices identified in the CompTIA MSP Partners 2010 market research.Henry Ford once quipped “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black”. In a world of “half-caf skim latte – hold the foam”, the industrialist’s quote may seem like a quaint memory of years gone past—but it is actually an insightful observation on business. It speaks to the importance of repeatability, ...
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  • Great Summer Leadership Reading

    Jul 12, 2010, 15:45 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    I’ve always been a bit of a leadership / management book junkie. I’ve probably ready Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People five or six times and every time I do I come away with a new nugget or perspective I didn’t know was there. Another book I’ve recommended a bunch of times over the course of my career is from Kenneth Blanchard. It’s one of the One Minute Manager series called The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey. If you ever meet someone who has never managed people befo ...
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  • Breakaway 2010: Vendor Engagement Luncheon

    Jul 8, 2010, 15:42 PM by Tom Liszka
    A large part of the industry's growth hinges on solution providers being able to migrate their business models to newer models.  Specifically, they must be able to identify and solve end users' business problems, understand vertical and unique market segments, and incorporate newer technologies into their solutions mix.This is one of many points CompTIA's Vice-President for Channel Strategies, Annette Taber, makes in this featured podcast.  Annette will be hosting a luncheon session at Breakaway ...
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  • Are You Profiting from the Demand for IT Security Solutions?

    Jul 8, 2010, 15:31 PM by Dan Liutikas
    It seems like every time you turn around, a new device or technology is capturing the attention of the business world (as well consumers). Unfortunately, each seems to bring with it a new IT security threat requiring additional diligence on the part of users, and expertise from channel partners. Take Apple’s iPad as a prime example. Before it had even launched, concerns were circulating about its weak Wi-Fi encryption, lack of device wipe features, and susceptibility to malware through the iTune ...
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  • Business Intelligence: A Managed Service for YOUR IT Business

    Jul 7, 2010, 20:32 PM by Brian Sherman
    What if a construction company decided to repeatedly add new floors to a building without reviewing the strength of the current structure? The potential for a major catastrophe (collapse) will escalate exponentially with each new block or board added to the infrastructure. That’s why they test and evaluate the current situation (building) before designing the next steps. The same philosophy should be applied to a business’ financial situation; get a full evaluation of the organization’s fiscal m ...
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  • Healthcare IT in Focus at Breakaway

    Jul 6, 2010, 18:53 PM by Lisa Fasold
    Last year, we found that three in four IT firms believed their healthcare clients were eager to incorporate new technologies into their practices.  Our study also found that among healthcare providers, 59 percent were excited about the prospect of telemedicine and 79 percent were interested in portable tablet PCs for point-of-patient care.  So how do you tap into the emerging healthcare IT market? Many IT companies are interested, but the challenge of penetrating a new market with a ...
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  • CompTIA Supports Cloud Education Event

    Jul 6, 2010, 15:13 PM by Elzbieta Godlewska
    With SaaS and cloud computing capturing the attention of the IT industry and the community at large, significant issues are moving to the forefront. Security, downtime, connection speeds, and legal compliance concerns all need to be addressed while adoption continues to climb. In order for the IT channel to provide quality service and support of cloud computing, education and related resources must be developed, and a dialogue among industry constituents is a great place to start.CompTIA and its ...
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