Todd Thibodeaux Posts

  • Be Careful Where You Cut

    Feb 21, 2011, 21:33 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    There’s no doubt about it; whether it’s local, state or federal budgets, discretionary dollars are going to be in scarcer supply. Deep cuts are coming at all levels. But not all cuts are the same.A large part of the growth of the IT industry over the last 30 years has been a result of the wholesale buy-in and adoption of IT as a means to make government and municipal services more efficient and effective. Data processing, document management and networked systems now make room for cloud-based st ...
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  • ChiTech Lottery Brings 250 New Kids into Tech

    Feb 11, 2011, 23:18 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    I was witness this week to an event becoming more frequent across the U.S.: the charter school lottery. CompTIA is a big supporter of charitable efforts in the Chicago area around education and workforce development, but one group in particular has gotten our full attention. The Chicago Tech Academy is now in its second year of operation and just this week held its third student lottery.Soon-to-be freshmen rejoice at winning the ChiTech lottery.The kids who attend ChiTech (as the students have n ...
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  • IT: Much More than Tech

    Feb 10, 2011, 15:02 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    People often use the words IT and tech interchangeably, but they aren't entirely the same thing. The tech industry does include parts of IT (and maybe makes up most of it), but it also includes industries like bio, green, automotive and other "techs".What separates IT from the others is that IT is first and foremost about bringing the pieces together. The IT industry is about bringing hardware, software, services and infrastructure all together to power, connect and enable. And that's the indust ...
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  • Legislators Need Education on Solution Providers

    Feb 8, 2011, 15:00 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    In my recent visits to Washington, D.C., I've noticed a not-so-subtle lack of appreciation for the role IT solution providers play in the IT industry and the U.S. economy in general. Manufacturing jobs are all the rage now. If a company isn't making a tangible product, producing patents or IP, they aren't getting noticed by lawmakers and federal agencies. Much of the structure of the Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration was built around the manufacturing base. Look at t ...
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  • Success or Failure

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:00 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    Most people have heard the phrase "creative destruction". It has many different definitions, and according to Wikipedia, it can be traced back to Marx and his take on capitalism. In more recent years, creative destruction has described the results from rapid technological advance. But more often, meaningful technological change happens slower than we think over extended periods. And the degree to which one technology succeeds while another fails is tied to three things. Is the technology redunda ...
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  • Turn On the Power

    Jan 7, 2011, 18:32 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    When you think of powerful lobbies on Capitol Hill, how come the IT industry doesn't come immediately to mind? No industry in the U.S., or the world for that matter, plays such a diverse and integrated role in the global economy. Nor has any other industry done more to advance society to this point while continuing to raise the bar for a better future. Is it ignorance on the part of legislators? Is the IT industry just taken for granted because it is so pervasive? Has it been by design? Has the ...
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  • Great Summer Leadership Reading

    Jul 12, 2010, 15:45 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    I’ve always been a bit of a leadership / management book junkie. I’ve probably ready Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People five or six times and every time I do I come away with a new nugget or perspective I didn’t know was there. Another book I’ve recommended a bunch of times over the course of my career is from Kenneth Blanchard. It’s one of the One Minute Manager series called The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey. If you ever meet someone who has never managed people befo ...
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  • The US Does IT Best

    May 6, 2010, 14:12 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    I was recently asked to contribute to an Information Week piece on the state of the US IT industry - which got me thinking about the United States’ technological strengths and weaknesses relative to the other players in the global IT landscape.  The US hasn’t been the dominant base for IT production for many years.  We still don’t graduate all the engineers and PhDs we need, we don’t have the fastest or furthest reaching broadband nor do we have the most Internet users per capita.However, the US ...
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  • Health Care... Now What?

    Apr 2, 2010, 16:33 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    You know the saying “it’s all over but the shouting”? That’s probably a good characterization of where we are now with health care reform. It’s been passed. It’s been signed. And as it loosens it’s myopic mental hold on DC politics, the hard realities for US businesses of all sizes will start to take shape. In the IT industry, and for solution providers in particular there are going to be a new set of challenges. With the institution any new bill of this size and complexity will come a myriad of ...
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  • The Anything Interface

    Mar 30, 2010, 14:04 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    I have to admit I’m one of the few people who have been a devotee of the tablet PC interface since almost the beginning. I had one of the first Compaq units that was powered by the software-based Transmeta CPU. It was small and light, had a bunch of accessories, was really slow to boot and couldn’t handle more than a few apps at a time. I used a Fujitsu model for a period of time too. It had a larger screen, faster processor and had decent battery life. Then in the middle of a member conference ...
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