Steve Hunt Posts

  • Having Fun With Passwords

    Jan 25, 2010, 21:11 PM by Steve Hunt
    I got a kick out of an analysis of a recent hack.  After the RockYou application was hacked in December, exposing 32 million consumer passwords, security vendor Imperva analyzed the passwords to discover the most commonly used ones.  Remarkably, they are the same passwords many of us listed as the worst passwords you could possibly use back in 1995.Some of the worst, but most common, and therefore most easily guessable passwords are: Password Qwerty princess michaelBut the absolute hands down wi ...
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  • Security is Not the Point

    Jan 23, 2010, 21:06 PM by Steve Hunt
    Articulating the Value of Security...It’s an uphill battle to convince the decision-makers in any business that they need to invest in security. Why? Because deep down, all professional businesspeople think security is an annoying layer of cost and inconvenience.If you walk in and tell them, “We need more security,” they hear, “We need a more annoying layer of cost and inconvenience.”Getting the buy-in for security products and services today means understanding what drives your company’s securi ...
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