Randy Gross Posts

  • CompTIA CIO Reviews iPad

    Apr 15, 2010, 20:29 PM by Randy Gross
    I went to the Apple Store on iPad Release Day ‘just to look’ and walked right in, thinking that an inevitable sellout would make a purchase decision moot. When I asked if any were left, they had plenty, and I broke down and bought one.  I’m normally not an early adopter, but figured I’d cave to the months of hype that culminated in the hilarious Modern Family ‘adisode’.After a week and a half, here are my first set of use cases, albeit after the fact.1.      Act as a babysitter for my child - do ...
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  • Darkening Clouds

    Dec 21, 2009, 21:01 PM by Randy Gross
    I came across an article today, “Security in the Ether” by David Talbot in Technology Review that speaks to a number of issues with cloud computing security.  At nearly 3500 words, it’s a hefty piece that gives a wide perspective on the multifaceted debate around the definition of cloud, the ever-increasing security threats, and the future standards for securing the cloud.Among a number of thought provoking areas, one note that struck me is that the National Institute of Standards and Technology ...
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