David Valdez Posts

  • A Brave New World in Unlicensed Spectrum

    Dec 19, 2012, 23:56 PM by David Valdez
    Three key milestones that either occurred recently or are expected soon will shape the future of communications technology.First, the number of mobile devices that connect to the Internet now exceeds the number of PCs connected to the ‘net, which is a reflection of our increasingly mobile society.Second, the age of Big Data is here. The Washington Post recently reported that we have exceeded our computing capacity beyond the exabyte. According to TechTerms.com, the exabyte is a “unit of measurem ...
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  • What To Expect in IT Security and Internet Governance Policy Post Election 2012

    Nov 14, 2012, 22:27 PM by David Valdez
    With the re-election of President Obama, a net one seat pick-up for Senate Democrats, and with Republicans maintaining control of the House, we can expect to see some of the same IT issues emerge during the lame duck and the 2013 legislative session that we saw in the last Congress.  First, the issue of cybersecurity reform emerged as a post election lame duck issue.  There is a distinct possibility that the White House may issue an Executive Order on Cybersecurity that would mandate owners and ...
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  • The First Salvo from the White House on Cybersecurity

    Sep 24, 2012, 18:49 PM by David Valdez
    Earlier today, the White House issued a letter addressed to Senator Jay Rockefeller, Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, signed by John O. Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.The letter states “the President is determined to use existing executive branch authorities to protect our nation against cyber threats.” This letter makes clear that in the absence of comprehensive cybersecurity legislation the White House will ...
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  • One Last Push for Cybersecurity Reform Before the August 2012 Recess

    Jul 25, 2012, 20:08 PM by David Valdez
    Last week leadership of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a copy of the revised “Cybersecurity Act of 2012,” which is the latest draft bill aimed at reforming cybersecurity laws and regulations.Yesterday, Senator Reid’s office stated that the bill would be up for a floor vote this week.  Senators Lieberman, Rockefeller, Collins and Snowe, among others, worked diligently behind the scenes to move the bill forward by securing bipartisan support for the bill ...
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  • Senator Toomey’s Data Breach Notification Proposal is Good Policy, But Faces Uphill Battle

    Jun 27, 2012, 14:04 PM by David Valdez
    Last week, Senator Toomey (R-Penn.) released the “Data Security and Breach Notification Act of 2012,” and is co-sponsored by Senator Olympia Snowe, Jim Demint, Roy Blunt, and Dean Heller.There are several provisions to this proposed data breach notification legislation, but among the highlights is a requirement that a covered entity provide “ . . . notice of any breach of the security of the system following discovery by the covered entity . . .” so long as the covered entity “reasonably believe ...
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  • No Better Than 50/50 Chance for Cybersecurity Reform

    Jun 13, 2012, 19:49 PM by David Valdez
    As early as last week, Senator Lieberman stated that he is hopeful that “there is still a possibility” that cybersecurity could get passed in the Senate this year.  This is Senator Lieberman’s last legislative session since he is retiring this year.  Many beltway insiders believe that the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is eager to see passage of comprehensive cybersecurity reform as his last major achievement.Although the odds are no better than 50/50 to get ...
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  • The Cybersecurity Whirlwind Continues in the Senate

    Apr 23, 2012, 21:12 PM by David Valdez
    Previous, I gave an overview of the key pieces of cybersecurity legislation under consideration in the House. Now let’s turn to the Senate, which favors a comprehensive approach to this issue.In the Senate there are two competing cybersecurity bills. S. 2105, Cybersecurity Act, which includes bill provisions authored by Senators Lieberman, Collins and Rockefeller, also incorporates cybersecurity recommendations for legislative reform provided by the White House.Among the key provisions: Grants n ...
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  • The Cybersecurity Whirlwind

    Apr 23, 2012, 21:03 PM by David Valdez
    This week, the House Republican Leadership plans to put up four cybersecurity bills for floor votes: CISPA,  FISMA, CEA and NITRD.In contrast to the Senate, the Republican Leadership in the House is pursuing a piecemeal approach to cybersecurity reform. In fact, Representative Thornberry issued a report last year stating that the best approach to cybersecurity reform was to allow each committee of jurisdiction to develop, vet and introduce cybersecurity legislation.Senator Reid’s preference for ...
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  • Cybersecurity Update from Capitol Hill

    Mar 2, 2012, 22:12 PM by David Valdez
    Activity surrounding cybersecurity saw an uptick this week as Democrats and Republicans tried to position themselves on tech-impacting legislation.  Below is a quick round-up of the leading stories: Senators Unveil Major Cybersecurity Bill New Cybersecurity Center for Excellence Launched GOP Cybersecurity Bill Takes Light Regulatory TouchPrivacy also was a top issue this week with numerous stories covering everything from a White House proposal for managing consumer privacy to coverage of Google ...
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  • Cybersecurity Legislation Predictably Unpredictable on Capitol Hill

    Feb 9, 2012, 00:03 AM by David Valdez
    The 2012 legislative session started off looking very promising for the passage of cybersecurity reform -- then suddenly the landscape shifted. On privacy and intellectual property issues, we saw the Internet companies flex lobbying muscle in an unprecedented way.  Finally, even though 2011 saw more major data breach incidents than previous years, data breach reform may be a long way off. Here’s a quick rundown of the major security-related initiatives that CompTIA is tracking:Cybersecurity Refo ...
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