Brian Sherman Posts

  • ChannelTrends: Meet the New IT Decision Makers

    Mar 16, 2017, 21:43 PM by Brian Sherman
    Of all the changes that have taken place in the channel over the past ten years, one the most significant transitions did not directly involve technology or business models. The new IT decision makers are now everywhere in an organization. How does that affect VARs and MSPs? Quite a bit, as most are finding out.
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  • A Bright Future for the Channel, From Digital Marketing to Blockchain

    Mar 11, 2017, 15:39 PM by Brian Sherman
    How can you measure the potential success (or failure) of something you know absolutely nothing about? That is one of many reasons why so many IT service providers, vendors and other industry professionals attend CompTIA Canadian IT Business Community meetings. In their latest quarterly meeting near Toronto, the group dove into a variety of informative educational content that pushed the norms, challenging attendees to assess their own business models and capabilities, and look into the future to identify potential gaps in customer solutions and support.
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  • ChannelTrends: Use the AWS Outage lesson to Overcome a Big Cloud Objection

    Mar 9, 2017, 22:03 PM by Brian Sherman
    Need a cloud “teaching moment” for your customers and prospects? Last week's Amazon Web Services outage is a great topic for those with concerns over resiliency and uptime.
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  • ChannelTrends: The 1980s Want their IT Business Model Back

    Mar 2, 2017, 18:15 PM by Brian Sherman
    A fair number of IT services providers have not altered their offerings and business models to reflect today’s business needs. Even those who have rarely go far enough to ensure their long-term relevance to their customers and future prospects. What should they be doing to ensure their clients’ needs and visions can be fully realized?
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  • ChannelTrends: Five Tips for Finding and Keeping New Talent

    Feb 23, 2017, 17:00 PM by Brian Sherman
    The IT talent shortage is hitting some providers hard. That’s why a proactive HR strategy is essential, and should start way before the next hire is needed. What can IT services companies do to improve their odds of attracting the right talent at the right price?
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  • ChannelTrends: Time to Put on Your Cloud Management Hat

    Feb 16, 2017, 00:15 AM by Brian Sherman
    IT services providers often work with cloud suppliers to customize their clients' implementations, sort through programs and resolve issues. That support role is invaluable to small and mid-sized businesses as channel firms are perfectly positioned to act as the liaisons between their customers, end users and their vendors. So why not leverage that expertise to strengthen customer relationships?
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  • ChannelTrends: Getting More ROI Out of Industry Events

    Feb 8, 2017, 22:32 PM by Brian Sherman
    Attendance at conferences and other events, like any work activity outside the office, should be considered an investment. Time is money and, whether you’re the company owner or an employee, going to an industry event or professional training session should result in some type of benefit to your business. While it’s not easy (or even possible, in some cases) to accurately calculate an ROI, a simple check list of objectives for each trip can help travelers qualify the level of their success.
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  • ChannelTrends: Innovative Ways to Fund Your IT Services Expansion Plans

    Feb 3, 2017, 16:42 PM by Brian Sherman
    There are several alternate options available to those looking for ways to fund large projects and IT services expansion plans. From alternate “money” channels that didn’t exist a decade ago, to ideas that boost cash flow, there are new ways for channel firms to better leverage traditional bank lending systems (or eliminate the need for them all together).
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  • ChannelTrends: Build an IT Security Expertise, Not Just a Portfolio

    Jan 25, 2017, 16:35 PM by Brian Sherman
    The best way for today’s IT service providers to differentiate themselves and provide greater value to their clients is to become true experts in the areas that matter most, and IT security is the perfect example. Most small businesses have little, if any clue how to properly protect their data and knowledge in this area is invaluable. Channel firms that can identify and mitigate companies’ unique risks will find themselves in a much better position in the future than those who simply offer tools (which businesses can buy virtually anywhere).
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  • ChannelTrends: The Three Biggest Threats to the IT Channel Business Model

    Jan 19, 2017, 16:48 PM by Brian Sherman
    Experts have been predicting the demise of the IT channel for more than a decade, and dozens of others have added to that narrative over the years. The problem with that premise is that the reseller/support segment of the industry has continued to strengthen and morph itself to overcome every challenge that comes its way so far. But there are some significant concerns that could threaten the channel business model as we know it.
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