CompTIA Blog

  • Weekly Word on the Street: More Signs Pointing to IT Jobs - Part 2

    Nov 14, 2011, 21:00 PM by JIm Staats
    IT Outsourcing: Economic Slide Could Produce Upside for Providers Despite a decline in the IT outsourcing market recently, a possible double dip economic downturn could spell good news for outsourcing providers in the near future. So says findings from the latest quarterly report by outsourcing firm Everest Group, as reported in CIO this week. For the first time in the past year, activity within the global outsourcing market, for both IT and business processes (BPO), dropped, according to t ...
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  • Reduce Risk to Increase Your Economic Value

    Nov 14, 2011, 17:00 PM by Bob Dale
    In my previous blog I wrote about managing your costs to increase profitability and the value of your IT business. Let’s change gears and talk about something else that is related to value, but is more difficult to measure than sales and profits. I’m talking about risk. Risk refers to stability of earnings and diversity of products, services and markets. Investors in the stock market fully understand that companies with lower risk factors are generally worth more. But how does this apply to a pr ...
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  • The Mobile Enterprise

    Nov 12, 2011, 15:31 PM by Lisa Archer
    From 2006-2010, one billion units of Internet-enabled devices were sold across Europe.  Ninety percent of those units were mobile devices.  Is your enterprise ready to embrace mobility?During a session at our EMEA Member Conference, panelists discussed the growing role of mobility and mobile devices in today’s enterprises.  Neal Louw, CTO of Dimension Data Europe, a $5 billion systems integrator, urged the audience to think of mobile enterprise not as evolution but revolution. It's a game change ...
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  • Can Social Networking Train Tech Pros?

    Nov 12, 2011, 15:26 PM by Luke Soithongsuk
    Professor James Messer delivered a fantastic session at our EMEA Member Conference on the use of social media in the current training market.   Professor Messer has been creating free online training support videos for CompTIA certifications for several years and built his brand through the use of social media.Professor Messer offered insight on what has worked for him and how best to utilize social media for maximum impact within the technology training industry.  One of the many key tips that ...
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  • How to Train Students for the Future—Now!

    Nov 12, 2011, 15:23 PM by Luke Soithongsuk
    Todd Lammle hosted an insightful and interesting session at our EMEA Member conference entitled “Relevant Certification Training for This Decade: How to Train Our Students for The Future—Now!”  Lammle sees issues with the way our current learning methods engage our learners; in an era of instant information and fast moving technology, it’s becoming harder and harder to get a student to sit down and actually read a book.  In fact, Lammle himself has reached a point in his life that even he can’t ...
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  • Performance Under Pressure

    Nov 12, 2011, 00:05 AM by Lisa Archer
    At this year’s CompTIA EMEA Members Conference, Steve Head delivered an energetic, fun-packed and inspiring closing keynote that finished with a standing ovation.Through a series of comical stories and exercises, Head helped his audience understand that we are drawn to finding faults rather than focusing on what is right and working.  We need to be conscious of this and instead of ‘sweating the small stuff’ we need to focus on the good stuff!In a world where we are all looking to deliver more wi ...
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  • Open Internet Fight Continues

    Nov 11, 2011, 23:54 PM by David Valdez
    Earlier this week a very significant development took place that went fairly unnoticed.  Congressman Greg Walden, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, unveiled legislation with the purpose of improving process and transparency at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).This move was significant because the FCC is an independent agency that has been at odds over what has turned into a partisan issue: net neutrality.  The FCC has been criticized for issuing last ...
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  • Weekly Word on the Street: More Signs Pointing to IT Jobs - Part I

    Nov 11, 2011, 21:00 PM by JIm Staats
    Takeaway of the week is that more signs are pointing to IT jobs on the horizon. You just have to know where to look. Are you interested in healthcare IT? Have you considered spanning the globe right from your computer as an online-only contractor? If you’re already in an IT job, are you content? Other people say you are.   The Online-Only Worker Bee Technological advances connect the global workforce like never before. One of the growing dynamics of this new reality is the growth of t ...
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  • ChannelTrends: The Spotlight on Business Ethics

    Nov 11, 2011, 19:29 PM by Brian Sherman
    On this Veterans’ Day, we pause to remember the sacrifices and courage exhibited by the men and women who defended our country and continue to protect our freedom. The call to duty requires not only bravery, but commitment and moral obligation to their fellow soldiers and sailors. With that in mind, business ethics seemed more than appropriate for today’s topic—especially with this week’s headlines.Few things are as electrifying to the media and populace as charges of inappropriate conduct in th ...
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  • Senate Votes 3% Withholding Repeal; Veteran Tax Credit Attached

    Nov 11, 2011, 19:21 PM by Lamar Whitman
    CompTIA consistently has called for repeal of the 3% federal tax withholding on government contracts.  Finally, the Senate has acted, passing H.R. 674 by a vote of 95-0.  This follows overwhelming passage by the House on October 27.  However, the bill must now return to the House for a vote, as an amendment (which passed by a 94-1 vote) was added to the original House version that would: Provide tax credits for veterans hiring; Require a Treasury study of tax delinquency among federal contractor ...
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  • Finding new Talent through Apprenticeships

    Nov 11, 2011, 16:17 PM by Lisa Archer
    During the EMEA Member Conference in London, a panel of IT training professionals (Jason Moss, managing director, Zenos; Richard Lambden, operations director, Pearson in Practice; and Tony Hay, learning and technical development manager, Ricoh UK Ltd.) ran a lively and interactive workshop on how to sustain a talented and an appropriately qualified workforce.The number of students studying for their A levels is down 60 percent and the number studying for a computing degree is down 50 percent com ...
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  • Make Apprenticeships Work for your Business

    Nov 11, 2011, 16:14 PM by Mark Plunkett
    At EMEA this week in London, Sue Cawdron and Nick Hnatiuk of Pearson Work Based Learning discussed the merits of modern day apprenticeship programs and the opportunities for the future of learning in the education and commercial sectors.  They debated the practicalities of apprenticeship programs, how they are currently being used and potential benefits to be gained, in what was an insightful session.Supporting various organizations, Pearson has a philosophy of being flexible in its work with em ...
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  • Growing the Imaging Industry through Apprenticeships

    Nov 11, 2011, 16:06 PM by Mark Plunkett
    Some of the largest MFP vendors gathered together at an EMEA session entitled “Channeling Talent into the Document Imaging Industry through Apprenticeships” to tackle common issues facing their industry such as a lack of standards and skills amongst young people entering the market and available learning and accreditation paths.Clive Allen from Sharp Electronics pontificated on the reasons that young individuals don’t want to step in to the document and imaging industry and how apprenticeships a ...
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  • Weekly Word on the Street: More Signs Pointing to IT Jobs

    Nov 11, 2011, 15:23 PM by Jim Staats
    Takeaway of the week is that more signs are pointing to IT jobs on the horizon. You just have to know where to look. Are you interested in healthcare IT? Have you considered spanning the globe right from your computer as an online-only contractor? If you’re already in an IT job, are you content? Other people say you are. The Online-Only Worker Bee Technological advances connect the global workforce like never before. One of the growing dynamics of this new reality is the growth of the o ...
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  • What’s Driving Managed Services Adoption

    Nov 10, 2011, 22:22 PM by Carolyn April
    For many in the IT channel, managed services ushered in the Holy Grail of recurring revenue. The model also helped fulfill growing demand from cash-strapped customers to shift cap-ex IT spending to a more predictable operational expense. CompTIA’s recent study, Trends in Managed Services, finds managed services growth among both end-users (adopting) and channel companies (selling) is expected to continue apace in the next two years. Additionally, planned investments in these services by both con ...
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