CertMaster Practice for DataSys+ Training

Exam Prep That Increases Retention And Builds Confidence.

CompTIA DataSys+ is the industry standard.

Your DataSys+ Certification Training Companion

CertMaster Practice is a knowledge assessment and certification training companion tool. It helps you gain knowledge and prepare for your CompTIA exam. Featuring question-first design, real-time learning analytics, and content refreshers, CertMaster Practice helps reinforce and test what you know and close knowledge gaps.

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How You'll Reinforce Knowledge With CertMaster Practice for CompTIA DataSys+


Certification Training Companion Tool

Designed by CompTIA to check knowledge, practice skills, and prepare for exam topics.


Combination Knowledge Assessment & eLearning

Combines knowledge reviews and intelligent eLearning tools to help close knowledge gaps.


Real-Time Learning Analytics

Tracks real-time knowledge gain and topic difficulty to help you learn intelligently.

What You'll Reinforce With CertMaster Practice For CompTIA DataSys+

CertMaster Practice covers topics across all objectives on the CompTIA DataSys+ exam, including:

Database Fundamentals

Understand database structure types and the ability to develop, modify and run code provides the groundwork for database administrators to gather, store, and drive data assets.

Database Deployment

Compare and contrast the different aspects of database planning and design and explain the various phases of the implementation, testing, and deployment of collected data.

Database Management and Maintenance

Understand the purpose of monitoring and reporting database performance, explain common database maintenance processes, and produce critical documentation.

Data and Database Security

Secure databases, protect against attacks, and control authorization while ensuring governance and regulatory compliance.

Business Continuity

Prepare for and recover from incidents by implementing best practices for backup and restoration of data.

Why CertMaster Practice Matters

9 out of 10 learners

reported that CertMaster Practice had an impact on passing their exam*

*As reported by a 2017 survey of CertMaster Practice users


the number of learners who have used CertMaster Practice to train for a CompTIA certification exam

"I learn rapidly about the subjects because of the way the system is designed."

CertMaster Practice User, 2017

CertMaster Practice

CertMaster Practice is an intelligent online course that helps you learn fast and remember information long-term as you prepare for the exam. It quickly assesses what you know and then focuses on filling your knowledge gaps. It’s a great addition to your exam prep plan and guides you to mastery of the curriculum.

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CertMaster Practice For CompTIA DataSys+ Purchase Options

Additional CertMaster Practice Product Info

CertMaster Practice Licenses

CertMaster Practice licenses are valid for one year and can be used for Web, iOS and Android apps. Internet connection is required.


Course Info

  • CertMaster Practice available for DataSys+ DS0-001
  • 400 total questions
  • Individual licenses available

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