What’s up with WIA

In this challenging economy, where the unemployment rate remains discouragingly high, IT jobs may be available but must be met by a skilled and ready workforce.  We maintain the Getting America Back to Work (GABTW) Program to provide a comprehensive process for assessing, training, certifying and placing unemployed individuals into entry and mid-level IT technical positions. We work through community colleges and partners for the training component. Funding for the training and certification vou ...
In this challenging economy, where the unemployment rate remains discouragingly high, IT jobs may be available but must be met by a skilled and ready workforce.  We maintain the Getting America Back to Work (GABTW) Program to provide a comprehensive process for assessing, training, certifying and placing unemployed individuals into entry and mid-level IT technical positions. We work through community colleges and partners for the training component. Funding for the training and certification vouchers is provided through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); and we rely on collaboration with Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop Career Centers to use this tool. Thus the introduction and passage of the reauthorization of the WIA is a priority for CompTIA public advocacy.

Presently, however, there is no immediate progress on WIA.  On the House side, ‘though John Kline, the chairman of the recently renamed Committee on Education and the Workforce, has indicated that WIA reauthorization would be a priority for the Committee in 2011, immediate attention is now on healthcare. Nevertheless, Kline was a co-sponsor of HR 4271, a WIA reauthorization bill introduced in 2009. That bill was largely supportive of a local workforce system and we will monitor developments in that committee.

Meanwhile on the Senate side, the majority and minority have long been in negotiations over some of the specifics of the bill. In a recent discussion with Senate staff, it appears that they are no closer to ironing out last issues of difference. It is not clear what the timing may be at this point in terms of introducing a bill.

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