Welcome TechAmerica Members! TechAmerica Rebrands Under CompTIA

TechAmerica is moving forward under a single CompTIA brand name and officially integrating into the CompTIA family. See what we’ve been doing and how this integrated membership presents new opportunities for you.

A little more than a year ago CompTIA acquired TechAmerica as a means of complementing our strengths in education, certification, advocacy and philanthropy with TechAmerica’s public sector expertise and member base of large technology companies. Over the past few weeks we have been announcing the evolution of our organization into a single CompTIA brand name and officially integrate TechAmerica members into the CompTIA family! Today we launch the new advocacy pages on the CompTIA website to demonstrate the integrated nature of our membership benefits.


We have done a tremendous amount of work over the past year to successfully align our organizations to the mutual benefit of both CompTIA and TechAmerica members. We realize that moving to a single brand name is going to be an evolutionary process and we still have much work ahead of us. We are confident that with our combined thought leadership, dedication and industry insight we have become an even stronger resource for our members as they work to grow their businesses in the IT industry. In the meantime, let us answer a few questions that may be going through your head.


What does a “single brand name” mean?

Going forward, all of our public policy and advocacy efforts – whether federal, state or local – will come from CompTIA. This move allows us to streamline communications, eliminate confusion and advocate for the broader IT industry under one banner.


How does this affect my TechAmerica membership?

We will continue to carry out the same policy priorities in the State Government Affairs, Federal Policy and Trade Regulation and Compliance areas. CompTIA will also continue its programs in the State and Local Government and Education, Human Services and Space Enterprise sectors. In addition to continuing this valued advocacy work, you now enjoy the benefits of CompTIA membership as well.


CompTIA is a non-profit trade association for the IT industry, providing many member benefits beyond advocacy, including:


  • Industry insight and education through original research, reports, whitepapers, blogs, training sessions, webinars and conferences;
  • credentials including more than 15 vendor neutral, technical certifications for IT professionals and audited Trustmarks for channel companies;
  • philanthropy through the Creating IT Futures Foundation, helping unemployed and under-represented populations obtain the right training for a career inIT


How does this affect my CompTIA membership?

Blending CompTIA and TechAmerica has no doubt been an incredibly positive strategic integration for the tech industry, as TechAmerica’s active network of state and local government policy advocates has strengthened our own Federal public policy work.


As a CompTIA member, you now have the opportunity to get involved in a host of regional and issue-based committees within the State Government Affairs, Federal Policy and Trade Regulation and Compliance areas. You also have the opportunity to join a public sector council in either the State and Local Government and Education, Human Services or Space Enterprise sectors.


Where can I learn more?

Visit www.comptia.org/advocacy to learn more about what we’re doing. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at pkaminskas@comptia.org. We are looking forward to the future, serving our combined member base, and hope you are too!

Email us at blogeditor@comptia.org for inquiries related to contributed articles, link building and other web content needs.

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