Video: All You Need to Be Prepared for CompTIA A+ Cert Tests | CompTIA Certs

So much time and effort go into preparing for a CompTIA certification exam. When you are just days out from taking your exam, don’t sit back and relax. Instead, consistently review what you already know, reinforcing those concepts and processes.

So much time and effort go into preparing for an IT certification exam. When you are just days out from taking your exam, you may be tempted to sit back and relax a little. Even if you have faithfully studied for several weeks up to this point, you should still be productive the final week or up until the day before your exam, but not so productive that you stress yourself out.


In the Home Stretch of Her CompTIA A+ Certification Journey

Remember Pranita, the CompTIA intern looking to get her A+ certification? She is in the final phase of her certification journey –  there is just one week left until her exam takes place. After about seven weeks of studying, she has lots of knowledge to impart, including how she is retaining and reinforcing all she learned over the course of several weeks.

What Pranita is not doing before her exam is just as important as what she is doing, and she is not cramming.

Cramming vs. Reviewing for a CompTIA Certification Exam

Right before your certification exam, you shouldn’t kick your feet up, but you also shouldn’t try to cram a bunch of new knowledge into your mind. Pranita is not a fan of cramming, as it can reduce your test-taking confidence and make you question whether or not you really know enough to pass the exam. Instead of cramming,

Pranita suggests reviewing what you already know about your certification: 

  • Use the Smart Refresh Feature in CompTIA CertMaster Practice: Just as CertMaster Practice and CertMaster Labs were critical to Pranita’s exam preparation, the refresh feature, found in CertMaster Practice, was invaluable during her review time.
  • Review Flashcards: Move all the notes you’ve taken over the past few weeks onto flashcards, either paper or online. Then review these throughout the day.   

Reviewing for her CompTIA A+ certification exam was easy for Pranita because she had planned her IT learning well from day one by creating a learning program that fit her schedule and included official CompTIA A+ test prep materials.

5 Tips for the Day of Your IT Certification Exam

Opting for reviewing over cramming for your exam is just half the strategy for finishing the test preparation process with a bang. You also want to set yourself up for success on your exam day. Here are some of Pranita’s top tips for mentally preparing for her IT certification exam and making sure she goes in with confidence:

  1. In the days leading up to your exam, participate in online forums where you can connect with other test takers.
  2. Pack your bag the night before your certification test. Make sure you have two forms of ID with you.
  3. Do your best to get a good night’s sleep before your exam.
  4. Eat a good breakfast the morning of the exam.
  5. During the exam, answer the questions you know the answers to first. Flag the questions you want to come back to.

Stick to Your Review Plan to Ensure IT Test Success

Getting close to the finish line of taking an IT certification exam can feel simultaneously exciting and exhausting. When you are tempted to get off track with your review plan, remember how far you’ve come and how good it will feel to pass your exam. Then get back to reviewing with flashcards, CompTIA CertMaster Practice or any learning tool that is effective for you.

Set yourself up for exam success with CompTIA CertMaster Practice.

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