The One Who Won: CompTIA’s One Millionth A+ Certified IT Pro Travels to Total Seminars

Last November, we all met Logan Murphy – an IT consultant with Long View Systems in Fort Collins, Colorado – when he became CompTIA’s one millionth A+ certified IT pro. Part of Murphy’s prize included a three-day trip to Houston, Texas, sponsored by Total Seminars, to meet Mike Meyers and star in a training video and materials.

Last November, we all met Logan Murphy – an IT consultant with Long View Systems in Fort Collins, Colorado – when he became CompTIA’s one millionth A+ certified IT pro. Part of Murphy’s prize included a three-day trip to Houston, Texas, sponsored by Total Seminars, to meet Mike Meyers and star in a training video and materials. According to Murphy, what was expected to be a great trip exceeded all of his expectations and can only be described in one word: “Unbelievable.”

The Star of the Show

As an IT consultant, Murphy is all too familiar with educational materials created for individuals studying for their various certifications. After all, he is the target audience. But, being in front of the camera shooting educational materials with Mike Meyers – an industry-recognized certification training expert – was a whole new ballgame.

“Working with Mike Meyers was quite an experience,” Murphy said. “I’d like to think we were able to provide some laughter and useful material for folks studying for their CompTIA Network+ certification.”

In addition to the training video, Murphy found himself the star of Total Seminar’s own video-in-the-making documenting his trip to Houston. “Logan is amazing,” said Kathy Yale at Total Seminars. “He’s a great winner – very bright and engaging. He fits in really well here.”

Murphy shares that sentiment. “I had a great time with the folks at Total Seminars; they have a great group dynamic and office atmosphere,” he said. “It was basically non-stop fun.”

Tara Dean, manager of government business development at CompTIA, was in Houston to represent CompTIA in presenting Murphy with his one millionth award. “Since Total Seminars was making a video of Logan’s trip, we did multiple takes of the award presentation for editing purposes,” she said. “Logan was especially funny during the many re-takes and helped to keep things fresh and enjoyable.”

“I’ll admit, I was much more comfortable shooting educational material than receiving awards,” Murphy said. “I’m of the shy, introverted sort, so while I was beyond honored to be receiving the award, I was just hoping to not make any mistakes!”

Having Fun in Houston

Of course, the trip wasn’t all about work. Murphy was treated to a dinner hosted by McGraw-Hill at the downtown Houston Aquarium restaurant, visited a couple of great craft beer locales, and spent half a day at the NASA Johnson Space Center. Total Seminars even arranged a “behind-the-scene” tour for its guest of honor – a self-professed “space nut.”

“The tour of NASA was just spectacular,” Murphy said. “The real stand out of the visit was seeing the Apollo and ISS mission control rooms and the mockups of the shuttle and the ISS. It was just a dream come true.”

Not a bad deal! Logan Murphy earned his CompTIA A+ certification to advance his career and in the process was able to join the Total Seminars team to help others do the same. Start taking steps towards your CompTIA certification and see what happens when we reach our next milestone!

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