Texas Lt. Governor Announces Senate Interim Charges: Taxes, Cybersecurity, and State Contracting Top Priorities

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced several interim charges for Senate committees to study prior to the 85th Texas Legislative Session in January 2017.  Some important charges include: the impact of further reducing or eliminating the franchise tax for Texas business, examining cybersecurity efforts of the state and protecting Texans’ personal information, and monitoring the implementation of state contracting and procurement reforms enacted in 2015.  Patrick signaled tax cuts as a major priority for the Senate.  Last session, lawmakers approved a $3.8 billion tax cut deal that included property tax relief and a reduction in the franchise tax rate paid by businesses. The property tax relief requires voters approving an amendment to the state constitution in the upcoming Nov. 3 election.  Patrick also asked the committee to look again at the constitutional spending cap, which guides how much future state budgets can grow. The Senate passed legislation tightening the spending cap during the 2015 session, but differences with House leaders on the measure led to its ultimate demise.  For more information visit:  https://www.ltgov.state.tx.us/2015/10/19/news-from-lieutenant-governor-dan-patrick-7/  or contact Sarah Matz at smatz@comptia.org.


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