Need for Contracting Reforms in the State of Texas

State of Texas technology contracts—specifically Texas Cooperative Contracts—have recently drawn increased scrutiny from the Governor’s office, legislators, and media. As lawmakers work to craft appropriate solutions and reforms, TechAmerica, the public policy arm of CompTIA, has expressed its support for the transparency and accountability measures outlined by Governor Abbott, Speaker Straus, and the proposed bills by Senator Nelson and Rep. Price in SB 353 and HB 1027.

State of Texas technology contracts—specifically Texas Cooperative Contracts—have recently drawn increased scrutiny from the Governor’s office, legislators, and media. As lawmakers work to craft appropriate solutions and reforms, TechAmerica, the public policy arm of CompTIA, has expressed its support for the transparency and accountability measures outlined by Governor Abbott, Speaker Straus, and the proposed bills by Senator Nelson and Rep. Price in SB 353 and HB 1027. The full text of the letter can be viewed here.

As leaders consider options for contracting reforms, TechAmerica also offered its Statement of Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Policy Principles which were developed and approved in July 2014 by TechAmerica’s State Procurement Committee. These Procurement Principles express our members’ commitment to contracting practices focused on competition, transparency, accountability, fairness, and professionalism. These bedrock standards are the cornerstone to insuring trust and accountability in state agencies and the private sector firms who serve them.

For more information on TechAmerica’s Texas State Government Affairs activities, please contact Sarah Matz at In addition, Russ Guarna, who manages the association’s State Procurement Committee and can be reached at

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