Mark Williams Bids Farewell as the UK Channel Community Chair

Whilst December 31st is the official end date of my tenure as the Chair of CompTIA’s UK Channel Community (UKCC), I have my last official duty today. The final 2015 meeting of the CEB (Communities Executive Board) will be the last of my two-year stint… and what a ride it’s been.

Whilst December 31st is the official end date of my tenure as the Chair of CompTIA’s UK Channel Community (UKCC), I have my last official duty today. The final 2015 meeting of the CEB (Communities Executive Board) will be the last of my two-year stint… and what a ride it’s been.

I first got involved with the UKCC when it was in its infancy, around 5 years ago. When they asked for volunteers to help form an Executive Council, I was a willing (if not misguided!) volunteer. I liked the idea of giving back to the industry that has provided me a living over the past 30 years, not to mention long lasting friendships with some really great people all around the world. After the first year on the EC, I was given the opportunity to become vice-chair of the UKCC, working hand-in-hand with the then chair Lee Evans. Lee did a great job and, when my turn to be chair came around, I knew that I was involved in a community that was really starting to go places.

It has been a great pleasure to see involvement with UKCC and attendance at the quarterly meetings increase at such a phenomenal rate – from 20 people in a room in Birmingham 5 years ago to over 200 who attended our last event in London a couple of months ago. In the same vein, uptake of Trustmarks has risen from 22 holders in 2012 to 151 in 2015. It’s been great to see fellow members realise the value that can be gained by completing Trustmarks - by improving business processes and being able to market themselves as accredited companies worth doing business with.

From a personal perspective, I’ve been able to greatly expand my network within the industry and made many great new friends as a result.

I leave my role as chair in the full knowledge that the UKCC is in great health and I wish the very best of luck to the new chair, Kristian Wright and his new look Executive Council, which is crammed full of talented and committed people.

Thanks to CompTIA for giving me the opportunity to make my contribution.

Season’s greetings.

Mark Williams

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