Government, Industry Leaders Deliver Valuable Insights at HSITAG Meetings

The cornerstone event for CompTIA's Human Services Information Technology Advisory Group (HSITAG) is our monthly meeting which features Health and Human Services leaders from federal, state and local governments as well as “think tank” groups and other key industry organizations.

The cornerstone event for CompTIA's Human Services Information Technology Advisory Group (HSITAG) is our monthly meeting which features Health and Human Services leaders from federal, state and local governments as well as “think tank” groups and other key industry organizations.

The leaders from these organizations engage with our membership to share industry relevant information on a variety of topics including: technology, service delivery transformation, social policy issues, new/revised regulations and procurement practices. Our sessions are interactive and spark open, vibrant dialogue among the participants. The tremendous value of our meetings is the opportunity to engage with and hear directly from the experts and leaders in our industry and offer a unique opportunity for members to share private sector perspective with their public sector partners.

Our next HSITAG meeting will coincide with the APHSA Summit on Tuesday, May 21 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Va.

To drive our monthly agendas, the HSITAG Programming Committee works with the industry to select speakers and establish topics for discussion. The Committee also selects the meeting location, which includes cities across the country, as well as its “home base” in Washington, D.C. Featured cities this year for HSITAG meetings include, Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Columbus, Ohio; and New York City, N.Y. We “mix it up” on the meeting location to take advantage of leaders across the United States.

The Programming Committee also selects meeting dates that coincide with industry-relevant conferences. For 2019, we have synced HSITAG meetings with the APHSA National Health and Human Services Summit in Arlington, Va.; the Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC) in Chicago, Ill.; and the APHSA-ISM Conference in Milwaukee, Wis. This alignment not only supports the attendance of our members at major conferences, it provides an opportunity to invite speakers attending these conferences who logistically may not otherwise be available to engage with HSITAG.   If you attend one of these conferences, we’d love for you to join us!

In just the first quarter of 2019, our featured speakers have represented various stakeholders and focused on a broad range of topics including:

  • Robert Doar, Morgridge Fellow in Poverty Studies, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), focusing on the Political Landscape and Outlook for 2019.
  • Tracy Wareing Evans, President and CEO, APHSA, sharing APHSA’s vision and direction through their five-year plan as well as anticipated trends for 2019.
  • Ann Flagg, Director, Collaborative Centers for Policy and Practice, reflecting on policies that are top of mind for state HHS leaders.
  • Venkat Krishnan, CIO, Department of Human Services, Ga., discussing current and planned technology initiatives, including challenges and successes.
  • Tanguler Gray, Director Georgia Child Support Program, Georgia DHS, focusing on program issues, accomplishments and initiatives including their mobile application.
  • Julie Boughn, Director of Data and Systems Group, CMCS, emphasizing for members CMS’s focus on data quality and outcomes.
  • Jeff Cohen, Deputy Associate Administrator, SNAP, USDA FNS, and Mary Rose Conroy, Chief Program Design Branch, SNAP, USDA FNS, providing updates on the recently passed Farm Bill.

In addition to a showcase of spectacular speakers (that we are so honored to host!), the HSITAG program offers a unique opportunity to foster networking to enhance the member experience because, as we all know, many opportunities are borne from personal and professional relationships.

To further this type of interaction, we couple several organized social events with our meetings to help members establish and cultivate these relationships. Stay tuned for more information on programming news as we go through the year!

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