Five Reasons Our Team is so Thankful

If you have had the opportunity to attend a  CompTIA event over the years, you can understand why we value our members to such a high degree. They give freely of themselves and, in many cases, their companies, so their peers will have greater access to tools, training and a host of other resourcess to improve their own channel opportunities.

The CompTIA team could never accomplish all that it does each year without the considerable efforts of our members. For that we are thankful.

That sentiment will be especially meaningful this week as those of us in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a time of reflection and appreciation, to pause and be grateful for all we are given. That includes the industry-wide support we receive at CompTIA, which comes in a variety of ways from so many generous contributors each and every year. It would take days to review all the resources and programs our members and others in the channel community have contributed in 2015 alone. Many give selflessly so our industry can prosper.

To all those who give their time and ideas, on behalf of CompTIA, I would like to thank you. That includes all of those who contribute to these five key areas of our organization:    

  1. CompTIA Communities and Councils. Peer-to-peer discussions are invaluable for idea generation and initiative building. These peer groups generate dozens of the industry’s most advanced IT services, business improvement and professional development resources. Channel firms of all shapes and sizes (including providers, vendors and distributors) can use these tools and education and training programs to increase their business acumen, boost profitability and transform their organization to meet future needs and challenges. Members who serve as leaders and contributors are the heart and soul of our communities and councils, and we’re thankful that their numbers and efforts continue to grow each year.

  2. CompTIA’s Trustmark program. Our members understand what it takes to build and promote a successful technology business, as their push to help us develop real, value-added credentials clearly demonstrates. Their contributions are numerous, from building the framework of a Trustmark to beta testing the final result. Some were subject matter experts who shared best practices and debated specific details in the controls. Members are the biggest promoters and the largest adopters of our six CompTIA Trustmarks, and their efforts and support are genuinely appreciated.    

  3. Research. Did you think we could develop industry leading studies without your support? Of course not! The CompTIA research team conducts dozens of surveys each year to track the latest trends and uncover new opportunities for our members and the IT community as a whole. In many cases, they reach out to companies like yours to gather insight and opinions. Without those who give freely of their time and information, the quality of our research would be significantly diminished. As a thank you, here are two of our latest reports that should help with your 2016 business plan:  

  4. Public Advocacy. This team supports and defends IT business interests on a state and national level. Our members play an important role here, helping to educate and influence their own representatives and government officials on a number of issues that affect technology companies, as well those who use their services. From security and privacy legislation to economic policy, your input and support are truly needed and appreciated. 

    Want to get involved? Register and attend the 2016 CompTIA DC Fly-In February 9-10 in Washington, D.C. You’ll learn how new laws and regulations will affect you and your customers’ businesses, for better or worse, and get the chance to discuss the issues with your own congressional leaders. It’s a great way to get engaged and give back (to the industry) at the same time.

  5. Channel Education. Those who have reviewed the extensive CompTIA training catalog understand, as do those who have attended any of the live sessions, webinars or on-demand courses included in that portfolio. Our members are the reason all our channel education exists and, in many cases, help facilitate or lead the exercises. With more than 2200 member organizations, CompTIA is fortunate to have a wealth of experts available who are so willing to share their insight, best practices and specialized training. Everyone who has taken part in our educational sessions this year should be as thankful as we are to have access to so many great speakers, trainers and facilitators.       

Again, without the generous support of our members and the channel community, much of what CompTIA does would not be possible. Our team would like to recognize our members for all they do and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. 


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