CompTIA Wants You – to Meet Your Congressional Representative

Technology leaders and business owners from across the nation convened on Capitol Hill as part of CompTIA’s annual DC Fly-In this month. Get highlights and learn how this unique event can benefit you.

We-Want-You-Poster-TemplateTechnology leaders and business owners from across the nation convened on Capitol Hill as part of CompTIA’s annual DC Fly-In on February 5 and 6, delivering a message to members of the House of Representatives and Senate about the role smart technologies should play in building the nation’s infrastructure. CompTIA makes this unique experience available to its members – it’s a great way for those advancing the business of technology to advocate for their businesses and themselves as citizens. Attending the DC Fly-In gives you the chance to meet with your state senators and representatives to discuss challenges and opportunities within the tech industry –  giving you a voice on in our government.

This was my first time attending the Fly-In and a chance for me to see first-hand the impact CompTIA Public Advocacy has on advancing technology legislation. I had the opportunity to lead a group of members to meetings on Capitol Hill with their congressman and senators. It was an honor to walk through the halls and meet face to face with legislators while giving our members a chance to give a voice to their businesses. At the end of every meeting, contact information was exchanged and we were encouraged to keep the lines of communication open, keeping congressmen and senators aware of the issues facing their delegates. Between meetings, my group and I had some time to step into the Library of Congress, the oldest federal cultural institution in the U.S., to appreciate its beauty and history.

Our membership was equally engaged by and impressed with the Fly-In.

“The CompTIA DC Fly-in is a fascinating way to go behind the curtain and experience first-hand how our government functions and how it is approaching technology-related legislation,” said Cristina Greysman, chair of CompTIA’s Advancing Women in Technology Community. “The senators, congressmen and staff I met with during the Capitol Hill visits value the insights they get from their constituents. I believe they learned as much in our meetings as I did.”

Over the course of two days, members engaged in interactive panel discussions, heard a series of Capitol Hill speakers and attended more than 170 meetings with members of Congress on topics such as cybersecurity apprenticeships, artificial intelligence and federal privacy legislation. The annual Tech Champion Awards Ceremony is also celebrated at the Fly-In, in which industry leaders and government officials are recognized for their contributions in strengthening the technology sector.

The Fly-In occurred at a unique time when Congress and the White House have prioritized a potential funding package for infrastructure, giving CompTIA the opportunity to make sure smart technology, 5G, cybersecurity and rural broadband funding are part of ongoing discussions.

“The CompTIA DC Fly-in is critical to help our government representatives understand the value the technology and how we can help improve our nation,” said Marc Haskelson, president and CEO of Compliancy Group LLC and co-chair of the CompTIA Business Applications Advisory Council. “On the fun side, for all you Hamilton lovers, it’s your chance to be in ‘The Room Where It Happens.’”

If you have not attended the DC Fly-In in the past, it’s can’t miss and a benefit not to pass up! This is an opportunity for you to personally meet with your members of Congress. Click here to learn more and get it on your calendar for next year.

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