CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum (CCF) is Even Bigger in its Second Year

CompTIA’s communities and councils are great places to connect with like-minded peers and share best practices on a wide range of topics, and this spring they’re all coming together at the CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum (CCF), March 11 to 13, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.

chicago beanLast year, CompTIA launched a new event, CCF, and it proved a smash success, convening CompTIA’s communities for eye-opening insights that the association celebrated all year long. This year, CCF is back and even bigger, as it brings in CompTIA’s Industry Advisory Councils. CompTIA’s communities and councils are great places to connect with like-minded peers and share best practices on a wide range of topics, and this spring they’re all coming together at the CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum (CCF), March 11 to 13, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.

Why You Should Be There

CCF will have CompTIA out in full force. Seven of CompTIA’s 10 communities – IT Security, Advancing Women in Technology, Emerging Technology, Advancing Diversity in Technology, Future Leaders, Technology Lifecycle Services and Managed Services – will be on hand and meeting, so you’ll have the opportunity here to connect where you best fit within the association and tech, and maybe find a new community to contribute to and be supported by. Further, CompTIA’s five councils – the Channel Advisory Board, the Business Applications Advisory Council, the Smart Cities Advisory Council, the Drone Advisory Council and the Blockchain Advisory Council – holding their invitation-only meetings concurrently during CCF bolsters the amount of thought-leadership in the building. So however you’re advancing the business of technology, this is where you want to be this spring.

And There’s More!

At lunch on Tuesday, CompTIA EVP Nancy Hammervik will review key strategies and goals for CompTIA in 2019, and on Wednesday our research team will provide guidance and insight to help grow your business and guide your community or council in 2019 with the latest industry trends from our State of the Industry Report. Further, workshops and focus sessions throughout the event will keep you up to speed on hot topics like the tech skills gap, XaaS and more.

Additionally, CompTIA’s Chief Technology Evangelist James Stanger will provide a pragmatic look at the future gap – the space between what emerging tech is possible and what’s adopted in businesses. Working with a panel of experts, we’ll provide concrete steps on how we can take technology that is tantalizingly close to revolutionizing business – AI, blockchain and XR to name a few – from the bleeding edge to the boardroom. View the full agenda here.

So don’t wait, register today! CompTIA Premier Members attend for free and non-members can register for CCF – a $799 value – for $350 and begin their journey into CompTIA membership, free for one year with your registration fee. Click here to save your seat!

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