CompTIA and NH High Tech Council Presidential Candidate Series

CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, and the New Hampshire High Tech Council, have reached out to each of the GOP and Democratic Presidential candidates to ask them about the IT skills gap and making American companies more competitive in a global market. We posed the following question to each campaign:

“It’s often said that when a company can’t hire the right person for the right job at the right time, an opportunity is lost for that company, the would-be worker, and the economy as a whole. Our nation’s businesses struggle to fill roughly 1 million tech jobs that are currently open (and that have an average salary of $100,000). As president, what would you do to encourage more people to pursue careers in technology and reduce the skills gap, prompting companies to expand and making America more competitive in a global technology marketplace?”

We continue to work with campaigns for additional responses. Below are the responses we have received to date:

Carly Fiorina:

Governor Martin O'Malley:

Governor Chris Christie:

Marco Rubio

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