CompTIA Additional Certifications Help You Expand Your Career in New Ways

Skills like project management and training can allow you to take on stretch roles that prove you’re an employee to be valued. And having background knowledge about cloud services can help you influence decision makers and recommend the best solution for your company – even if you’re not involved in implementation.

Additional Certifications on the CompTIA Career Pathway - Project+, CTT+ and Cloud EssentialsIn IT, professional growth may not necessarily mean climbing the ladder to the C-Suite. For some, it could instead mean becoming the best specialist they can be, gaining new skills and sharing their knowledge. Whether you are looking to become a CIO or would rather be a senior cybersecurity risk analyst – or if you hold a position outside of IT – skills like project management and training can allow you to take on stretch roles that prove you’re an employee to be valued. And having background knowledge about cloud services can help you influence decision makers and recommend the best solution for your company – even if you’re not involved in implementation.

The additional certifications on the CompTIA Career PathwayCompTIA Project+, CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) and CompTIA Cloud Essentials – validate skills that supplement your technical skills and allow you to expand your career in new ways.

CompTIA Project+

In IT, projects have a lot of moving parts, and IT pros need to have project management skills to make sure every task gets completed and every stakeholder is looped in. CompTIA Project+ validates the basic concepts to manage small- to medium-sized projects.

CompTIA Project+ covers the following project management skills:

  • Manage the project lifecycle
  • Ensure appropriate communication
  • Manage resources and stakeholders
  • Maintain project documentation

CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+)

Whether training is a part of your current role or something you’d like to do in the future – either in your day job or on the side – you’ll need the right tools at your disposal to be effective and engaging. CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) is a performance-based certification that validates the knowledge and use of tools and techniques necessary for successfully teaching in today’s learning environments.

CompTIA CTT+ covers the following core skills as they apply to both a classroom and virtual environment:

  • Preparation
  • Presentation
  • Communication
  • Facilitation
  • Evaluation

CompTIA Cloud Essentials

As with CompTIA Project+ and CompTIA CTT+, the skills validated by CompTIA Cloud Essentials can be applicable to non-technical roles as to those in IT. CompTIA Cloud Essentials covers the real-world issues and practical solutions of cloud computing, allowing certification holders to make informed decisions about how to leverage the cloud for their business.

CompTIA Cloud Essentials is:

  • Relevant:The exam covers situations and equipment with respect to your specific experience and expertise. You will not need to perform tasks or master technical material not applicable to your day-to-day job.
  • Practical: Whether you are new to cloud computing or rely on it for high-level business practices, this fundamental approach provides the exact amount of preparedness you need.
  • Comprehensive: The risk-and-consequences component understands that every business has unique IT needs and will apply cloud technologies differently. Prepare for contingencies, malfunctions, security threats and other situations that require swift, effective decisions.
  • Security-Focused: One of the most common worries about cloud computing is the safety of the data involved. CompTIA Cloud Essentials answers those worries and shows you how to keep your sensitive data as secure in the cloud as it would be anywhere else. 

IT pros and other professionals who work closely with IT alike can benefit from this segment on the CompTIA Career Pathway. Take the next step in your career – sign up for our newsletter and get 10 percent off your next CompTIA training or certification product.

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