ChannelTrends: A Two-Headed Data Approach Requires a Virtual CIO

A virtual CIO needs to understand technology plus all of its data protection and management options—and whether they know it or not, many solution providers fit that bill. Learn what preparation and skills it takes to be the ultimate virtual CIO for your clients.

Almost 50 percent of businesses experienced at least one data breach in the past 12 months — that’s a staggering number when you consider how much the corporate world invests in protection systems. In fact, more than 48 percent of the businesses that participated in Experian’s 2015 Second Annual Data Breach Industry Forecast increased their security spending over the same timeframe to counter cyber-threats.

Those numbers help validate the value we place on data today. We’ve lived in the so-called information age for decades, but businesses and governments started paying real attention to how we keep and retain records in just the past few years. Sure, they stored most of their data and passed laws to ensure it wasn’t destroyed, but few tried to leverage it to great effect. 

Fast forward to 2015, when data is quickly becoming one of the most valuable assets many businesses own. Whether mining information collected from their clients or assessing their own figures and statistics, the contents of servers and storage systems contain an unknown potential for most organizations.

Inversely, it can be one of the most costly things they attempt to control as established by Experian’s research. Organizations have to protect a greater number of devices, networks and business systems than ever before. In addition, they must adhere to a variety of constantly changing compliance measures intended to keep all that information safe. While one often takes care of the other, many have to be documented and tested differently.  

Add to that mix the growing number of widely publicized data breaches which is sparking a change in the attitudes of business leaders and consumers when it comes to cybersecurity. Board members and the C-suite can no longer ignore the drastic impact a data breach has on company reputation. Information is that proverbial two-headed monster, offering a valued asset on one end and a costly compliance issue on the other. In order to tame the beast, many organizations are appointing CIOs today.   

Channel Control Brings Increased Power

Many companies can’t simply afford or simply don’t need a full time C-level executive to manage their data. Some maintain internal IT teams or rely on solution providers to support their IT needs, but they still may not be getting the guidance needed to properly leverage their information. They need forward thinking strategists, a CIO-caliber professional who can assess and address their clients’ true protection and big data needs.   

Whether they know it or not, many solution providers can fit that bill. Of course, the role requires someone who understands the technology as well as the data protection and management options. With the right preparation and skills, channel professionals can be the ultimate virtual CIOs for their clients. Not only are they more cost-effective than hiring full-time employees, but some might actually pay more knowing the wealth of experience and knowledge they bring to the table. 

Information is that valuable today. Those with a knack for developing effective management and protection strategies can command a premium for their services.  

Even if you’re not comfortable using the acronym CDO when describing your consulting services, it does make a great point of reference for future business options. When exploring the options for your business, it’s good to start with an assessment of current strengths and potential gaps. Start by answering these questions:

  • How comprehensive are your IT security services?
  • What data protection measures do your clients need?
  • Are there gaps in your security services and customer needs? 
  • How are your clients leveraging their data today?
  • What training and tools would your organization need to build a quality Big Data offering?

Think you have what it takes to be a virtual CDO? Consider sharpening your data protection capabilities by downloading and leveraging CompTIA’s 5 Tools to Expand Your IT Security Offerings. Got that side covered? Then check out the Quick Start Guide: Easing into Big Data to see what this emerging opportunity could mean for you and your customers’ businesses.

Information management and protection skills are a true differentiator today. Can you be that virtual CDO your clients need and may be willing to pay a premium for? 

Brian Sherman is founder of Tech Success Communications, specializing in editorial content and consulting for the IT channel. His previous roles include chief editor at Business Solutions magazine and senior director of industry alliances with Autotask. Contact Brian at

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