Building the Community with Great Meetings in Ireland

Meeting-UK 5-17-16Continuing our regional tour, myself and the team recently found ourselves hosting two meetings in the Emerald Isle.

The first took place in Dublin, and we had fantastic attendance for our first half day meeting. It turned out to be a great event that allowed people to get a better understanding of CompTIA, the community and understand the resources available to them.  The real highlight however was having Ken Bagnall talk to the group about “Phishing- the evolution of a threat” How to best deal with Phishing emails. This is something that is a real problem being faced and addressed by the whole IT and business world.

The meeting also allowed groups to discuss what they would change in their business if they had unlimited resources. As you can imagine we got some really interesting feedback, and a main focus area for the group was marketing and using social media like LinkedIn to its full potential.

We then headed down to Cork, where we received a very warm welcome from the attendees. We were also very fortunate to have our very own Executive Council member Janet O’Sullivan attend and share her insights and expertise on disaster recovery delivering a great presentation called “The Disaster is the revenue you are missing!”

We also had some great open discussions around the challenges and pains of bringing on new staff/recruits and how this impacts other staff and ultimately the business.  We also talked around, how do you get new staff up to speed and efficient whilst also instilling the company’s vision and passion. 

Success-UK 5-17-16The feedback from both meetings was that attendees thought that the community could provide great networking, partnering and best practice sharing opportunities for the UK and Ireland.

We really enjoyed our time in Ireland and hope to see more of the Irish IT channel attend the community meetings and in turn hope to build a stronger presence for CompTIA in Ireland. 

You may be  interested in our UK channel Community meeting on the 14th & 15th of June – where the channel industry gets together to collaborate and gain industry insight. Click here for further information  

Having a strong community is a vital part of CompTIA and we are always looking for members to get involved. If you would like more information about our communities or how to get involved, please get in touch.

Find out more about the UK Channel Community – Click Here


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