Applying the Spark of Innovation to Your IT Business

Discover the ITSS community and learn about their search for the spark at the heart of innovation.

Consider the ambiguity of the word “innovation.” If you ask seven different people what they consider to be innovative, you're bound to get seven different answers. You might hear about the life it can inject into just about any industry, or maybe you’ll find out just how forceful, invigorating and groundbreaking it can be.

For members of CompTIA’s IT Services and Support (ITSS) community the discussion is more tactical than theoretical. In their field, new innovations regularly appear, with market disruptions not far behind. However, ITSS community members have a much-sought after advantage in the market. Through involvement in the ITSS community, they engage in friendly professional networking, have access to best practices and thought leaders, and participate in industry problem-solving initiatives.

ITSS members will explore how innovation relates to business success at the upcoming ITSS 2015 Fall Community Meeting. (Interested in attending? There's still time to register!) While there, they'll hear from thought leaders including Barry McPherson, executive vice president for the Intel Security Group at McAfee, and Bruce Kulp, senior vice president of supply chain and refurbishment for Gamestop, while engaging in networking and learning about the latest developments to hit the market. They’ll also have the chance to tour one of AT&T’s Foundries (the company's much-touted innovation center), one of the most fascinating operations out there focused on exploring new avenues of technological discovery.

At these facilities, AT&T has taken an interesting approach to the exploration of innovation. Their five Foundry locations are home to some incredible people, who spend their days cooking up inspiring ideas, far-out inventions and disruptive technologies. To some people, their incredible work space may seem like a veritable playground (heck, they even use Legos and Play-doh to model some of their ideas), but for them, it’s just another day on the job.

So just what kind of things do they make at the innovation center?

There’s Rich Media Care, which allows service professionals access to real-time image sharing that can quickly resolve customer issues in startling quick amounts of time…

There's a smart garbage bin, designed to keep secure documents out of unwanted hands and update technicians with concerns...

(Check out that 3D printer!)

And check out this dashboard messenger, designed to keep drivers safe while allowing them to receive and respond to texts...

It’s clear that a key aspect of the Foundry’s success is the operation’s dedication to providing their employees an environment that’s incredibly conducive to collaboration, lateral thinking and stunningly unique ideas. Open to inventive new approaches to old problems, the space is full of cutting-edge tools designed to compel inspiration, providing them every opportunity to discover that elusive spark of innovation.

Want to learn more about how to discover your own spark of innovation? Join us at the upcoming Fall ITSS Community Meeting on October 13 and 14 in Dallas, Texas, where you’ll have the chance to check out the Foundry yourself and connect with a community dedicated to helping you take your business to the next step and moving the entire IT services industry forward.

Learn more about the ITSS Community or click here to register for the 2015 Fall Community Meeting.

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