Worforce Investment Act Set for Mark-Up Session

In February, we shared information on efforts to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act. Recently, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) released a discussion draft of that legislation and was scheduled to hold a hearing to “mark up” the proposed legislation on June 29. That mark-up hearing has now been postponed until Wednesday July 20. We will keep you apprised of new developments and welcome your thoughts and reaction to the discussion draft. The legisl ...
In February, we shared information on efforts to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act. Recently, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) released a discussion draft of that legislation and was scheduled to hold a hearing to “mark up” the proposed legislation on June 29. That mark-up hearing has now been postponed until Wednesday July 20. We will keep you apprised of new developments and welcome your thoughts and reaction to the discussion draft. The legislation covers:

Title I: To support a comprehensive and coordinated workforce development system, Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 2011 streamlines governance provisions such as boards and plans and establishes common performance indicators across the four core WIA programs.

Title II: One stop delivery system, job training formula programs, and national programs.

Title III: Adult Education

Title IV: Amendments to the Wagner-Peyser Act

Title V: Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act

Title VI: General Provisions

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