We All Need Confidence!

When you think about it, confidence is an important thing to us all on a daily basis, although we don’t always recognize it as such. We have confidence that the alarm clock will work, that the car will start or that the public transport system won’t let us down (again!) We have some degree of confidence that our technology will work satisfactorily and we have varying levels of confidence in our colleagues. Very often we give our business prospects a confidence rating, and at the end of the day w ...
When you think about it, confidence is an important thing to us all on a daily basis, although we don’t always recognize it as such. We have confidence that the alarm clock will work, that the car will start or that the public transport system won’t let us down (again!) We have some degree of confidence that our technology will work satisfactorily and we have varying levels of confidence in our colleagues. Very often we give our business prospects a confidence rating, and at the end of the day we have confidence, again to a greater or lesser degree, in our family members and life partners. And of course, we have confidence in ourselves to live up to our responsibilities, and we hope that our confidence isn’t misplaced.

Confidence is a very important element of our lives, and it allows us to have a base upon which to make our decisions, sometimes minor: “How confident am I that they’ll make me a decent cup of coffee and won’t short-change me today” and sometimes major: “How confident am I that my suppliers won’t let me down.”

CompTIA in the U.K. is looking to go some way toward addressing the latter concern with the launch of its Confidence Delivered program, launched this month. A development of the badge of confidence previously used by TCA Members, the Confidence Delivered logo signifies that the resellers bearing it have signed up to the CompTIA Code of Practice, which binds them to certain service and responsiveness levels.

When we are making a purchase we are all looking to have as much confidence in our suppliers as possible. “Confidence” is a very powerful concept, and it hooks into some deep emotions. By and large it is a word filled with positive associations, and CompTIA members should maximize their use of it by signing up to the code, displaying the logo together with a brief explanation, and building it into their marketing activities as much as possible.

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