Making a Difference for the IT Industry on Capitol Hill

Earlier this month, more than 30 CompTIA members and partners gathered in Washington, D.C. for the CompTIA D.C. Fly-In. This event gave participants the opportunity to see how Washington works first hand, learning more about CompTIA policy priorities and how they relate to their business, and then taking their questions and concerns to the Capitol Hill offices of senators and representatives from around the country.Participants, like CompTIA Board Member Linda Lynch, appreciated the opportunity ...
Earlier this month, more than 30 CompTIA members and partners gathered in Washington, D.C. for the CompTIA D.C. Fly-In. This event gave participants the opportunity to see how Washington works first hand, learning more about CompTIA policy priorities and how they relate to their business, and then taking their questions and concerns to the Capitol Hill offices of senators and representatives from around the country.

Participants, like CompTIA Board Member Linda Lynch, appreciated the opportunity to make a difference on Capitol Hill.  Many participants in attendance came away from the experience with a new-found appreciation for what it takes to impact public policy.  One CompTIA member, Raj Khera, was on target when he wrote of his D.C. Fly-In experience, “It made me feel that I was working toward solutions rather than complaining about the problems.”

After an opening evening networking reception, members quickly got down to business the following day. Starting with a morning breakfast briefing, members were given their schedules and briefing books and briefed by CompTIA Public Advocacy staff about policy positions, Capitol Hill etiquette, and what to expect while meeting with Congressional members and staff. With more than 50 meetings scheduled, the CompTIA delegation was poised to make significant impact on the Hill. In addition to meeting with member offices, attendees met with staff of the Small Business Committee of both the House and the Senate.

The final day of the Fly-In had a full schedule, beginning with a breakfast on Capitol Hill to promote the newly formed Small Business IT Caucus. Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Loretta Sanchez joined attendees as she spoke about the caucus and the importance of political involvement, like the kind displayed at the Fly-In. After that it was on to a meeting at the White House, where we met with staff from the Office of Science and Technology Policy.  Members were given a chance to discuss with the OSTP team administration policy initiatives directed toward technology firms and small businesses. Attendees concluded their time in Washington, D.C., with a briefing on the Hill that tackled interstate taxation and the Internet.

With the connections made, several key takeaways and the emphasis put on small business IT, this year’s D.C. Fly-in was a success.

Thanks to all who participated and we will see you again next year! If you have any questions, please contact CompTIA Manager of Public Advocacy Matthew L. Evans.

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