For Government IT Professionals, Training = Success

Unless you are skier Bode Miller, who can apparently win the trifecta of Olympic medals with relatively little preparation, success requires hard work and lots of training. CompTIA’s recent study Government IT Buying Plans confirms that government IT professionals recognize the need for on-going training as an important step in ensuring success on the job.According to the survey of over 500 government IT decision makers, approximately 3 in 4 expect to invest in IT training in 2010. The data reve ...
Unless you are skier Bode Miller, who can apparently win the trifecta of Olympic medals with relatively little preparation, success requires hard work and lots of training. CompTIA’s recent study Government IT Buying Plans confirms that government IT professionals recognize the need for on-going training as an important step in ensuring success on the job.

According to the survey of over 500 government IT decision makers, approximately 3 in 4 expect to invest in IT training in 2010. The data reveals training is especially important at the local government level, where more than half of survey respondents cite “lack of IT skills/expertise” as a major challenge they currently face.

For government IT staff, the top areas of training will include security (84%), networking (72%) and PC maintenance/tech support (70%). The results are generally consistent across all levels of government, although a few interesting differences do exist. For example, at the state level, project management training ranks higher in importance compared to federal and local results.

End user training will likely revolve around the use of software applications, which could mean anything from standard business productivity applications, such as Microsoft Office, to the use of specialty applications such as CRM or finance/accounting packages. Because of the ever-present risk of viruses, malware and a slew of other threats, security training will be on the docket for nearly one-third of government employees (non IT staff).

Among the government agencies expecting to allocate funds for training, an average of approximately $2,153 will be spent per employee. On the upper end, 30% will spend more than $2,000 per employee, while on the lower end, 30% will spend less than $500. Even with many areas of government facing budget shortfalls, especially at the state and local levels, the data suggests training is a vitally important part of the technology equation.

Ways IT training will be provided to government IT staff and end-users
56%    Self-study
53%    Training company, such as Global Knowledge or New Horizons
47%    Class run by department, agency or consultant
41%    Online class/training program
29%    Local school, community or 4-year college

Undoubtedly, technology will continue to play a major role in helping all levels of government improve efficiencies, communicate better and function properly in a rapidly changing world. For more on this topic, CompTIA members can access the full report in the member-only section of the website, or contact us at

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