4 Big Data Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Now that you understand what big data is, it’s time to dive into some of the challenges organizations face in collecting, managing and analyzing big data. Because big data can be such an asset to your business, it’s important not to get intimidated by these challenges.

A woman climbs a mountain, much like overcoming big data challengesNow that you understand what big data is, it’s time to dive into some of the challenges organizations face in collecting, managing and analyzing big data. Because big data can be such an asset to your business, it’s important not to get intimidated by these challenges. We’re here to help you face them head on and tackle them. Here are four of big data challenges and how to conquer them.

4 Big Data Challenges

1. Managing Big Data Growth

With a name like big data, it’s no surprise that one of the largest challenges is handling the data itself and adjusting to its continuous growth. It is estimated that the amount of data in the world’s IT systems doubles every two years and is only going to grow.

The best solution for companies is to implement new big data technologies to help manage all of it. Below are a few different types of big data technologies:

  • Storage technology to structure big data
  • Deduplication technology to get rid of extra data that is wasting space and in turn, wasting money
  • Business intelligence technology to help analyze data to discover patterns and provide insights

2. Analyzing Big Data in a Timely Manner

Data is constantly coming in and from all directions, so how do you keep up and process it in a timely manner?

The most efficient way is to exclude some data from your analysis. Determine which data is most relevant and focus on that. This will save your organization time and money.

3. Finding People with the Right Skills for Big Data

The lack of data analysts and data scientists can be a major roadblock in using big data, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck.

If you find you have a penchant for big data, consider taking it on as a stretch role to complement what you’re already doing. See if your employer will support your professional development by paying for big data training or even big data certification. Sell it as a benefit to them – a homegrown big data analyst who will remain loyal to the organization after being given this unique opportunity. Alternatively, a big data consultant can jump right in and help your organization with its data set.

4. Securing Your Big Data

Using a variety of big data and analytics tools without putting proper cybersecurity measures in place first could make your organization vulnerable to cyberattacks. And when a breach happens and you use a number of tools, it can be hard to identify where the breach came from or which tool has been compromised.

The solution is to enhance your cybersecurity practices to cover your big data tools and initiatives. Grow your team’s knowledge on data security in particular and test your security parameters often to ensure they are protecting your information.

If you haven’t already embraced big data, it’s time to do so. It’s important for organizations to work around these challenges because the fear of big data should not outweigh the benefits it can provide. Leverage your data to create better insights and blow your competition out of the water.

Do you like big data? Learn more about working with big data as a data scientist.

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